151 of 202 found this severe
Sexual references throughout, some sexual jokes, topless female nudity, and some full frontal female nudity.
A topless teenage girl tries to fight off an intruder. Bare breasts visible for an extended sequence.
Multiple womens' vagina, breasts, and buttocks are seen in a porn magazine (clearly shown and very explicit).
Brief scene of a stripper dancing at a strip club; no nudity.
A teenage girl suggestively strokes a glass jar while teasing her younger brother about masturbating.
A topless teenage girl is shown laying on the ground for an extended scene. Her bare breasts are clearly visible. Multiple people, both men and women, interact with her while she is laying there. Non-sexual.
A woman is brutally and graphically raped in the unrated director's cut. Male and female nudity.
A couple are on a couch. She is shown removing her bra.
Three scenes of couples having sex; bare breasts.
A body is shown in the background. Bare buttocks and breasts are visible.
98 of 105 found this severe
We can see a naked woman's dead corpse. Not graphic.
A woman slaps a child in the face; he then stabs her; we see blood on her shirt and legs.
A character is thrown into a wall and crushed with a TV.
A character is stabbed.
A character has his throat slashed.
A character has shards of glass in her face, and then has her neck broken.
A character is stabbed in the neck (we see her thrashing, see blood on her hand and on the floor).
A character is choked unconscious..
A character is pulled from a car window, then another is killed by having their head crushed.
Two men begin to rape a woman before being killed.
98 of 109 found this severe
Many uses of the fuck word.
65 of 104 found this mild
Characters drink alcohol.
Characters smoke tobacco.
89 of 102 found this severe
A rape scene.
Murders, some by a child.
A man threatens to break his arm on a boy's face.