Sheri Moon Zombie credited as playing...
Deborah Myers
- Deborah Myers: Again? Again? Jesus, what is it with you and this goddamn school? I cannot keep coming down here like this!
- Principal Chambers: Look Ms. Myers, I do not enjoy calling you down here every five minutes.
- Deborah Myers: Really? It sure seems like you fuckin' do!
- Deborah Myers: Jesus Christ, Ronnie, you know I have to fucking work tonight. Somebody around here has gotta make some money.
- Ronnie White: I'm all broken up here, bitch. I can't work.
- Deborah Myers: Yeah, and whose fault is that?
- Ronnie White: Fuck you.
- Deborah Myers: My God, you're pathetic.
- Ronnie White: You know that new waitress over at the Bingo Lounge? She's been giving me the freaky eye.
- Deborah Myers: Oh, the whore the big tits hanging down her knees?
- Ronnie White: Maybe I'll choke the chicken, purge my snork all over those flappy ass tits.
- Deborah Myers: Good. Well, have a good fucking time!
- Ronnie White: I will.
- Deborah Myers: I hope she likes cripples.
- Ronnie White: Bitch, I will crawl over there and I will skull fuck the shit out of you!
- Deborah Myers: Oh, I'll get the crutches for you!
- [Baby Boo starts crying]
- Deborah Myers: See what you did, fucking loud mouth?
- Ronnie White: Waah! Waah! That's all that fucker does is cry. Waah! Waah! Cry and shit, cry and shit. Waah!
- Deborah Myers: Just like you; that's all you do is cry and shit.
- Ronnie White: Oh, fuck you. Sit on my pole right now, bitch.
- Michael Myers, age 10: I like the mask because it hides my face.
- Deborah Myers: I don't like you to hide your face. Take it off.
- Michael Myers, age 10: It hides my ugliness.
- Deborah Myers: Sweetie, don't say that. Take it off. You're not ugly. Don't talk like that. Okay?... I miss you so much.
- Michael Myers, age 10: I miss you, too.
- Ronnie White: [after staring at Judith's butt as she walks out of the kitchen] Man, that bitch got herself a nice little dumper.
- Deborah Myers: [turns to Ronnie] What did you just say?
- Ronnie White: You heard me.
- Deborah Myers: No, say it again, Ronnie! Say it my face!
- Ronnie White: Oh, what's the matter? You jealous of your own daughter's ass, huh?
- Deborah Myers: Fucking pig!
- [she smacks Ronnie's coffee cup out of his hand, burning his cast]
- Ronnie White: Aw! Fucking whore!
- [he smashes the dishes off the table]
- Ronnie White: All right, now clean it up!
- Deborah Myers: [looking at gruesome photographs of dead animals] Are you saying Michael did this? Michael loves animals!
- Ronnie White: I'll tell you something. That freak of yours, he needs some serious discipline. I mean, he runs around like a little bitch.
- Deborah Myers: You know, you leave him alone. Keep your hands off of him.
- Ronnie White: Give me a fucking break. He's probably a queer. He's gonna grow up, end up cutting his dick and balls off and changing his name to Michelle.
- Ronnie White: [as Michael and Judith come down from upstairs] There he is! Good morning, Michelle, ma belle!
- Deborah Myers: [looks at Michael and Judith] What the hell took you two so long?
- Michael Myers, age 10: Elvis died. I had to flush him.
- Deborah Myers: Oh, honey, I'm sorry! We'll get you a new one after school, okay?
- Judith Myers: [snickers] What'd you do to him, stoke him to death? Oh, Elvis! Elvis, ah, ah, ah!
- Ronnie White: Hey, you know, it's a fuckin' rat. Who pays money for a fucking rat? I mean, it's a goddamn rat, man!
- Michael Myers, age 10: [kisses his baby sister] Morning, Boo.
- Ronnie White: [mockingly] "Morning, Boo."
- [Michael, wearing his Halloween clown mask, sits at the dining room table in front of Ronnie]
- Ronnie White: Take that damn thing off.
- [Michael stares at him. Ronnie then flips up Michael's mask, revealing his face for the first time]
- Ronnie White: You are starting to annoy me, boy.
- Michael Myers, age 10: I hate you!
- Ronnie White: And I hate you, too! You see this?
- [raises his broken fist]
- Ronnie White: As soon as this heals, I'm gonna break it again on your fucking face!
- Deborah Myers: Enough, all right? Can we just eat in peace for once?