43 of 67 found this to have none
Nude statues throughout.
Danny kisses Tess two times on the checks and one time on the lips at a scene in the car near the end.
Rusty goes over and gives Isabel a kiss in bed (she's in a nightgown and mostly under the sheets, he's fully clothed).
20 of 32 found this mild
As Rusty walks toward his cars while on the phone with Benedict, one of Rusty's empty cars suddenly explodes.
18 of 38 found this moderate
1 use of retard
At least 1 use of "fuck" (with many other bleeped out ones in another scene), 1 shit, 4 hells, 2 craps, 1 ass, 1 damn, 2 sons of bitches, 7 uses of "Oh my God," 3 uses each of "God" and "Jesus," 2 uses of "Oh God",1 use each of "Christ" and "For Christ's sake", 2 sucks, 1 retard and 2 uses of Jesus Christ.
Basher and a recording engineer or manager listen to a recorded song in the studio that has many bleeped out "f" words in it. Basher and that man then discuss those bleeps, using many "f" words that are drowned out by a noise in the studio (all played for laughs, but one can easily tell what word they're using by associated phrases and by reading their lips).
23 of 29 found this mild
Reuben smokes or holds cigars at least 9 times, Benedict does the same at least 4 times while some miscellaneous characters smoke (one a pipe) in a few other scenes. Various drinks and drugs are seen lying around in multiple locations.
24 of 33 found this to have none