It's unbelievable that this was directed by the same person who did the cult TT Syndrome, although he also did hilarious comedy/documentary Decak iz Junkovca. Mala nocna muzika iz truly horrendous hodgepodge, it seems like something similar to the Radomir Belacevic's "movies" like "Waitress" or "Stranger in Paris", but with less "so bad it's good" potential. Mala nocna muzika is intended to be some kind of comedian "porn thriller" - a parody of typical plots in porn movies (without the explicit porn content of course), but it was just not done well. Film's budget was low, C-class, as majority movies of this director, but while some of those like TT Syndrome had a lot of charm in such raw production, this one had not. Mala nocna muzika is nothing but a cocktail of demented toilet humor, but not very funny as it was desperately intended to be. The plot and the jokes are unbelievably bad and kind of predictable, average 14 year old kid would be able to write it better. OK, this should be a trash comedy obviously, but the humor was lost along the way.