The Incredibles (2004) Poster

Jason Lee: Buddy Pine, Syndrome



  • Mr. Incredible : I was wrong to treat you that way. I'm sorry...

    Syndrome : See? Now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it works. Turns out there are lots of people, whole countries, that want respect, and will pay through the nose to get it. How do you think I got rich? I invented weapons, and now I have a weapon that only I can defeat, and when I unleash it...

    [Mr. Incredible throws a log at Syndrome, who dodges it and traps Mr. Incredible with his zero-point energy ray] 

    Syndrome : Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing! I can't believe it...

  • [to Mr. Incredible] 

    Syndrome : Oh, no. Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? Ho, ho, ho...

    [sees the kids] 

    Syndrome : Oh - and got biz-zay! It's a whole family of supers! Looks like I hit the jackpot! Oh, this is just too good!

  • Syndrome : It's finally ready! You know, I went through quite a few supers to make it worthy to fight you, but man, it wasn't good enough! After you trashed the last one, I had to make some major modifications. Sure, it was difficult, but you are worth it. I mean, after all... I am your biggest fan.

    Mr. Incredible : [recognizing that last line]  Buddy?

    Syndrome : My name is not Buddy! And it's not Incrediboy, either. That ship has sailed. All I wanted was to help you. I only wanted to help, and what do you say to me?

    Mr. Incredible : [Flashback]  Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.

    Syndrome : It tore me apart. But I learned an important lesson. You can't count on anyone, especially your heroes.

  • Syndrome : [watching live news footage of the Omnidroid]  Huh? Huh? Oh, come on! You gotta admit, this is cool! Just like a movie: the robot will emerge dramatically, do some damage, throw some screaming people. And just when all hope is lost? Syndrome will save the day! I'll be a bigger hero than you ever were.

    Mr. Incredible : You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could *pretend* to be one?

    Syndrome : Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat *you*! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics anyone's ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be superheroes. *Everyone* can be super! And when everyone's super...

    [laughs maniacally] 

    Syndrome : ...*no one* will be.

  • [Helen's plane is targeted by Syndrome's missiles] 

    Elastigirl : India-Golf-Niner-Niner transmitting in the blind guard, disengage, repeat, *disengage*.

    [she releases anti-missile devices, begins evasive maneuvers] 

    Elastigirl : Disengage, repeat, *disengage*!

    Mr. Incredible : No! Call off the missiles, I'll do anything!

    Syndrome : Too late! Fifteen years too late...

    Elastigirl : Friendlies, at two-zero miles south-southwest of your position, angels ten, track east, disengage, over! Vi! You have to put a force field around the plane!

    Violet : But you said we weren't supposed to use our powers!

    Elastigirl : I know what I said! Listen to what I'm saying *now*! Disengage, repeat, *disengage*!

    [missiles close in] 

    Dash : [frightened]  Mom?

    Elastigirl : *Violet*! Mayday, mayday, India-Golf-Niner-Niner is buddy spiked! Abort, abort, there are children aboard, say again, there are children aboard this plane!

    Mr. Incredible : NO!

    Elastigirl : [shouts]  Put a field around us, *now*!

    Violet : [frightened]  But I've never done one that big before...!

    Elastigirl : Violet, do it NOW! Abort, abort, abort!

    [the missiles close in, Violet tries to create a force field but can't] 

    Elastigirl : Abort abort abort!

    [the missiles hit; Helen envelopes the children as the plane explodes around them] 

  • Mr. Incredible : Bomb Voyage.

    Bomb Voyage : Monsieur Incroyable!

    [Subtitles: Mr. Incredible...!] 

    Buddy : And IncrediBoy!

    Bomb Voyage : [not French, but with an accent]  IncrediBoy?

    Buddy : Hey, hey! Aren't you curious about how I get around so fast? See? I have these rocket boots! They're made from...

    Mr. Incredible : [cuts him off]  Go home, Buddy.

    Buddy : What?

    Mr. Incredible : Now.

    Bomb Voyage : Petit naïf libe!

    [Subtitles: Little oaf...!] 

    Buddy : Can we talk?

    [pulls Mr. Incredible off to the side] 

    Buddy : You always, always say "Be true to yourself," but you never say which part of yourself to be true to! Well, I finally figured out who I am: I am your ward. IncrediBoy!

    Mr. Incredible : And now, you have officially carried it too far, Buddy.

    [grabs Bomb Voyage, who yells in surprise] 

    Buddy : This is because I don't have powers, isn't it? Well, not every superhero has powers, you know. You can be super without them. I invented these.

    [points to his rocket boots] 

    Buddy : I can fly! Can you fly?

    Mr. Incredible : Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.

    Bomb Voyage : Et ton tenue est complètement ridicule!

    [Subtitles: And your outfit is totally ridiculous!] 

    Buddy : Can you just give me one chance? Look, I'll show you, I'll get the police!

    [Buddy runs off and Bomb Voyage puts the bomb on the cape] 

    Mr. Incredible : Buddy, no!

    Buddy : It only take a second, really.

    Mr. Incredible : No, STOP!

    [He began to stop Buddy] 

    Mr. Incredible : There's a bomb!

    Buddy : Let go, you're wrecking my flight pattern.

    Buddy : I can do this if you lets go!

    Mr. Incredible : Will you just...?

    Mr. Incredible : I'm trying to help! Stop!

    Buddy : Let go of my cape!

    [Mr. Incredible removes the bomb from the cape] 

  • Mirage : He's not weak, you know.

    Syndrome : What?

    Mirage : Valuing life is not weakness.

    Syndrome : Oh, hey, look, look, if you're talking about what happened in the containment unit, I had everything under control.

    Mirage : And disregarding it is not strength.

    Syndrome : Look, I called his bluff, sweetheart, that's all. I knew he wouldn't have it in him to actually...

    Mirage : [through her teeth]  Next time you gamble, bet *your own* life!

  • Syndrome : You, sir, truly are Mr. Incredible. You know, I was right to idolize you? I always knew you were tough, but tricking the probe by hiding under the bones of another super? Oh, MAN! I'm still geeking out about it!


    Syndrome : And then you just had to go and ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for help?

    [Mocking voice] 

    Syndrome : Help me! Help me! Lame, lame, lame, lame, *lame*!

  • Syndrome : [Slams Mr. Incredible against the ground]  Am I good enough now?

    [Slams him again] 

    Syndrome : Who's super now? I'm Syndrome, your nemesis and...

    [inadvertently throws Mr. Incredible out of sight] 

    Syndrome : Oh, brilliant.

  • [the Incredibles enter their house to find Syndrome holding Jack-Jack. Syndrome paralyses them with his zero point energy] 

    Syndrome : Shhh. The baby's sleeping.

    [Syndrome gets up with Jack-Jack still in his arms, preparing to leave] 

    Syndrome : You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry. I'll be a good mentor: supportive, encouraging...

    [glares at Mr. Incredible] 

    Syndrome : Everything you *weren't*. And in time, who knows? He might make a good sidekick.

  • Syndrome : [about his newest Omnidroid]  It's bigger. It's badder. Ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for Mr. Incredible!

  • [Watching news reports about his Omnidroids] 

    Syndrome : Oh, come on! You gotta admit this is cool! Just like a movie! The robot will emerge dramatically, do some damage, throw some screaming people, and just when all hope is lost, *Syndrome* will save the day! I'll be a bigger hero than you ever were!

  • Syndrome : Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out!

  • Syndrome : [after the plane is shot down]  Oh, you'll get over it. I seem to recall you prefer to..."work alone."

    [laughs maniacally; Mr. Incredible tries to catch him, but Mirage pushes Syndrome out of the way and is captured] 

    Mr. Incredible : Release me, now!

    Syndrome : Or what?

    Mr. Incredible : I'll crush her.

    Syndrome : That sounds a little dark for you. Eh, go ahead.

    [Mirage gasps] 

    Mr. Incredible : It'll be easy, like breaking a toothpick.

    Syndrome : [chuckles]  Show me.

    [after a tense few moments, Mr. Incredible lets go of Mirage] 

    Syndrome : I knew you couldn't do it. Even when you have nothing to lose! You're weak! And I've outgrown you.

  • Syndrome : This isn't the end of it! I will get your son eventually! I will get your son!

  • Syndrome : [during his fixed fight with the Omnidroid]  Somebody needs to teach this hunk of metal... a few manners!

  • Syndrome : Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, time out! What have we here? Matching uniforms? Oh, no! Elastigirl?


    Syndrome : You married Elastigirl? Whoa! And got busy! It's a whole family of supers! Looks like I've hit the jackpot! Oh, this is just too good!

  • Mr. Incredible : No, you're that kid from the fan club. Brophy... Brody... Buddy! Buddy...

    Buddy : My name is IncrediBoy.

    Mr. Incredible : Look, I've been nice, I've stood for photos, signed every scrap of paper you pushed at me, but this...

    Buddy : Oh, no, no, you don't have to worry about training me! I know all your moves, your crime-fighting style, favorite catchphrases, everything! I'm your number one fan!

    [Mr. Incredible ejects him from the car, and speeds off] 

  • [Mr. Incredible is carrying Buddy by the arm to the police] 

    Mr. Incredible : [to the officers]  Take this one home. And make sure his mom knows what he's been doing.

    Buddy : [to Mr. Incredible]  I can help you. You're making a mist...

    [the second policeman shoves Buddy in the police car] 

    Mr. Incredible : The injured jumper. You sent paramedics?

    Police Officer #1 : They already picked him up.

    Mr. Incredible : The blast in that building was caused by Bomb Voyage, who I caught in the act of robbing the vault. Now, we might be able to nab him if we set up a perimeter.

    Police Officer #2 : [to Mr. Incredible about Bomb Voyage]  You mean he got away?

    Mr. Incredible : Well, yeah.

    [pointing to Buddy Pine in the police car] 

    Mr. Incredible : Skippy here made sure of that.

    Buddy : IncrediBoy!

    Mr. Incredible : You're not affiliated with me!

    [looks at his watch, clicking on a button so his car auto drives itself to pick him up] 

    Mr. Incredible : Holy smokes I'm late. Uh, listen I got to be somewhere.

    Police Officer #1 : What about Bomb Voyage?

    [Mr. Incredible gets in his car] 

    Mr. Incredible : Any other night, I'd go after him myself. But I really gotta go. But don't worry! We'll get him! Eventually!

  • Syndrome : [Bob is restrained onto an electrifying torture device] 

    [Syndrome walks up to him] 

    Syndrome : You, sir, truly ARE Mr. Incredible. You know, I was right to idolize you. I always knew you were tough. But tricking the probe by hiding under the bones of another Super? Oh, MAN! I'm still geeking out about it!


    Syndrome : [his expression sours]  Then you had to just go and... ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for me?


    Syndrome : Help me! Help me! Lame, lame, lame, lame, LAME! Alright, who did you contact?

    Mr. Incredible : Contact? What are you talking about?

    [Syndrome signals a minion to turn on the torture device] 

    Mr. Incredible : [It painfully electrocutes Bob all over]  AAAAAAAAGH!

    [the device stops] 

    Syndrome : I'm referring to last night at 23:07 hours, while you were snooping around, you sent out a homing signal!

    Mr. Incredible : [in pain]  I didn't know... about the homing device!

    [Syndrome signals the minion again, who increases the power lever to Danger] 

    Mr. Incredible : [Bob is electrocuted again]  YAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

    [the device stops again] 

    Syndrome : And now, a government *plane* is requesting permission to land here! WHO DID YOU CONTACT?

    Mr. Incredible : [in pain]  I didn't send for... a plane...

    Syndrome : [to Mirage]  Play the transmission!

    [Mirage presses a button playing a message] 

    Helen : [on machine]  India Golf Niner niner. Checking in, VFR on top. Over?

    Mr. Incredible : Helen?

    Syndrome : So, you DO know these people. Well, then... I'll send them a little greeting.

    [He presses a red LAUNCH button] 

See also

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