Interesting that the two previous 'comments' for this film are from 'film fans' who have opinions about no other films! The complaints mentioned--that the film is based on 'biased' science, and that the spokesperson for the Vinyl Institute was extremely convincing--don't outweigh the considerable evidence on display here. To set the record straight: Judith Helfand DID interview two scientists associated with Greenpeace. She also interviewed a scientist, previously employed by the vinyl industry, who agreed with the contention that, yes, PVC is a potential toxin. There are also interviews with an Italian scientist, other American scientists, and a plethora of PVC victims who became seriously ill after exposure in the workplace to PVC. On a less contentious note, this is one of the most enjoyable 'doomsday' docs out there, and Ms. Helfand is a delightful and entertaining host, even as she points out the obvious: big money will always trump public health and environmental safety.