Ray Wise credited as playing...
President Michael Dugan
- President Michael Dugan: You can't threaten us! We're the mightiest nation on Earth!... We did win the war, you know.
- Yuri: Win? I think not.
- Lt. Eva Lee: Mr. President, something's going on. The device is beginning to deploy.
- President Michael Dugan: Call in an air strike. I want that tower taken out!
- Lt. Eva Lee: [the Game's Intro] We are now at Defcon 2.
- President Michael Dugan: What the devil is going on Lieutenant?
- Lt. Eva Lee: He's serfaced Mr. President. I'm sure all of you recognize this man.
- [shows them a picture of Yuri]
- Lt. Eva Lee: We only know him as Yuri, the fugitive advisor to Soviet Premier Romanov. While we were busy fighting the Soviets, Yuri has used his mind control technology to establish a secret army of his own. A group of Yuri's initiates have seized Alcatraz Island here in San Francisco. They have constructed some sort of a device there.
- President Michael Dugan: What kind of device?
- Yuri: [Interupting Lieutenant Eva] Perhaps I can explain, Mr. President.
- President Michael Dugan: Yuri.
- Yuri: The Device is called a Phsycic Dominator, there is a network of such devices spread across the globe.
- President Michael Dugan: More of your mind control tricks?
- Yuri: No tricks, Mr. President. In a few moments, I will unleash a tidal wave of phsycic energy. Desgined to dominate the minds of the enitre planet. There will be no more free will, only my will.
- President Michael Dugan: Yuri. Yuri, Yuri. The war is over. Why ca'nt we just get along. What if I was to give you a full presidential part. Your country needs a leader, it could be you.
- Yuri: Why should be contend to lead one nation, if I can control the whole world, Mr President.
- President Michael Dugan: [relizing what Yrui is really after] You can't threaten us. We are the most powerful nation on earth. We did win ther war, you know.
- Yuri: Did you? Indeed? I think not.
- [signaling one of his men to activate the Phsycic dominator]
- Lt. Eva Lee: Sir something is happening. The device is begining to deploy.
- President Michael Dugan: Call in an air strike. I want that tower to taken out!
- Air Force General: Command this is Mojo 1, we're on station.
- Air Force General: Roger, Mojo 1. Target is located on Alcatraz Island, bearing vector, 2, 7, 0, at 10 miles.
- Air Force General: Target acquired, engage, engage.
- [Then, the alarms at the island go off and the drone guns start shooting at the jets enroute to Alcatraz Island, one of the shot down jets lands into a Nuclear Reactor, disabling the Phsycic dominator]
- Air Force General: Mojo 2 is down. I repeat, Mojo 2 is down.
- Voice in the Yuri's Revenge theme: comerade Leader. The Allied paras have damaged one of our power plants in San Francisco. The Psycic dominator on Alcatraz will not function.
- Yuri: Most unfortunate. But we have other devices. I think that times has come to activate them.
- [Yuri uses big switches to activate other devices around the world]
- Lt. Eva Lee: Mr. President, we are detecting huge shockwaves of energy around the world.
- President Michael Dugan: My god. That maniac is really going to do it. May god help us all.
- President Michael Dugan: Yuri... YURI, Yuri... The war is over. Can't we all just get along?... What if I was to give you, a full presidential pardon? Your country needs a leader. It could be you.
- Yuri: WHY should I be content to control one nation, when I can control the whole world, Mr. President?
- [Allied ending; after the timeline has been restored. President Dugan enters the crisis room]
- President Michael Dugan: What the devil is going on, Lieutenant?
- Lt. Eva Lee: He's surfaced, Mr. President.
- [the screen on the wall changes to General Carville, alive and well]
- Gen. Ben Carville: How've you been, Mr. President?
- President Michael Dugan: [shocked] General... Carville? H-how...
- Gen. Ben Carville: Did you ever hear of time travel, sir?