Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge (2001 Video Game)
Aleksandra Kaniak: Lt. Zofia
Romanov : [the intro to the third Soviet mission] Have you seen the States' news magazine?
[Tosses a magazine, a crack on Time magazine, with Dugan being captured by Soviet forces on the cover]
Romanov : The War is over, comrade General. The Allies have surrendered. Now, they'll fight with us against the traitor Yuri. All of Soviet people are full of gratefulness to you.
[picks up his cup of tea]
Romanov : Nazadarovania!
Lt. Zofia : Our intelligence sources say that Yuri has constructed another Psychic Dominator in London. Our premier wants you to destroy it before Yuri can react.
[the intro to Operation: To the Moon]
[playing with a toy rocket]
Romanov : Well done, comrade General. We have analyzed flight plans of this rocket ship. It is programed to fly to the Moon. We must find out why. You have cosmonaut training, yes?
Lt. Zofia : The launch has been a success comerade general. You will achieve Lunar orbit in minutes. Be careful, my general. We want you to return safely.
[holds her headphones]
Lt. Zofia : Retro rockets will fire in 3, 2, 1.
[the rocket lands safely on the Moon]
Lt. Zofia : Your spacecraft has landed, comrade General.
Romanov : [triumphantly waving his arms in the air and smiling] Finally, the Soviets have reached the Moon. One baby step for comrade General, one giant leap for Soviet people, yes?
Lt. Zofia : Forgive me for speaking frankly, but it might help you to know that upon your return I hope to see you in Moscow. Winter there is cold, yes? But this winter could be different?
Lt. Zofia : [last cinematic, suggestively] The castle has been taken, my general. I knew you would be victorious.
Lt. Zofia : [suggestively] You have many reasons to return.
Lt. Zofia : Look out, sir. We are getting strange power readings from those statues. Sweet Stalin! Yuri has turned those monuments into weapons.