53 of 86 found this mild
At one point early in the movie, a character pulls down his pants and shows his buttocks toward another character as an insult. It lasts for a couple of seconds. It is not intended to be sexual.
Two people share a passionate kiss.
A man crawls under a woman's dress but nothing is shown.
Artistic nudity, such as statues of naked women, is briefly seen a few times throughout the movie.
Erik (the titular Phantom character) stalks (the much younger than himself) Christine and, in a couple of instances, even begins to groom her. They also sing passionate suggestive lyrics to one another, most notably during the numbers "The Music of the Night" and "The Point of No Return".
The song "The Point of No Return" has an obvious sexual meaning
22 of 40 found this moderate
A man is chased through the catwalks above a theater stage, he jumps and swings from ropes, a rope is wrapped around his neck, the man is pushed over the side, he falls and jerks (we see his feet jerk and hear people screaming).
A rope is wrapped around a man's throat, it is pulled, and the man falls to the floor dead.
A man wraps a rope around a man's throat, lashes him to a gate and threatens to kill him.
Two men fight with swords, they thrash and slash at each other (one is slashed on the arm spilling a bit of blood), one falls to the ground, and the other holds his sword above him.
A man pushes a sword against a man's stomach and threatens others.
A woman fears that she will be taken away by a man and that he will kill her.
A woman slaps a man's face.
In a rage, a man breaks many mirrors.
A painting shows a woman holding a platter with a severed head on it (blood is painted around the neck).
31 of 53 found this to have none
Contains religious epithets.
Damn is used several times over the course of a few seconds, and is also used a few other times throughout the movie
damn is used twice within a few seconds, and hell is used twice as well
29 of 35 found this mild
A woman is scene through a peephole drinking a bottle of alcohol in theatre dress.
Two men smoke cigars.
Champagne is poured into a woman's shoe to drink.
A woman is seen snatching alcohol at a ball to drink, and takes a flask of her own out and drinks.
A woman is seen sharing a cigar with one of the theatres new owners.
27 of 47 found this moderate
A main character kills without mercy and kidnaps another character.
If you are sensitive especially to things like evil people controlling someone else's mind, and putting them under great deception, then several scenes can be very creepy or disturbing.
Some parts of the movie may be quite scary and intense for young children.
A woman walks through a graveyard, and an underground burial chamber lights up, with a man's voice coming from it.