"I say Claude old boy, why don't we take the old charabanc on a jolly old jaunt from Lands End to John O'Groats? Cover the country from top to tail, as it were, eh? What a wizard wheeze that would be! And, dash it all, wasn't your old man a pioneering cinema-whatchamacallit?! We could take a camera along with us and film all that pretty scenery on the way! Lots of cherub-faced little tykes playing sandcastles by the sea, that sort of thing. The countryside will soon never be the same, what with all this new-fangled technology, you know. Shame, sound hasn't been invented yet, but we could try filming in that new colour process you've been working on. What's that? Colour-fringing? Good Lord, old boy, it's colour! Like the real world! Don't you see? The colour could blur all over the place and the hoi-polloi paying their tuppence-ha'penny won't give a deuce. Anyway, the picture looks rather spiffing if everybody would just stand still while we're filming. And it will be a topping excuse to chat to giggling young lovelies in their bathing suits. What's that? Cardiff and Glasgow? Well, I suppose so, but I was thinking more of the likes of Weston-Super-Mare and Blackers, don't you know. And afterwards, we could cut the film up into segments and show it as a weekly travelogue in picture houses. Might even make a bob or two. Another sherry, old chap?"