33 of 48 found this to have none
It turned out Sam had a one-night stand with a woman which caused the pregnancy.
A man says "he touched me in my private place" after being searched and touched in the groin.
A character innocently grabs at a woman's low cut shirt early in the movie.
A prostitute in a low cut dress tries to seduce a character.
18 of 29 found this to have none
It was thought that Sam was harassing a young boy at his daughter's birthday party but wasn't intentional.
No violence.
23 of 33 found this mild
Several profanities....Christ (1)... F@#! (1) G....d...m (6-8 times)
A woman flips off a driver.
24 of 29 found this to have none
13 of 31 found this mild
Sam struggles to raise her child due to his mental limitations.
Sam breaks down in public over lack of pancakes.
At a Halloween party, Sam (as Paul McCartney) is mocked at by children.
There are frequent scenes of intense drama surrounding the main character.
The courtroom scenes have verbal battles.
Lucy is being questioned whereas Sam is watching through the TV.
The emotional themes and the issues this movie deals with are quite strong