I liked this relatively low budget, but entertaining film.
Setting is the future time known (in the Bible) as "The Great Tribulation":
According to some Christian scholars (yes, there is disagreement on the details of the end time)...according to some, there will be approximately 7 years when a great, charismatic, peace making brilliant man unites all the world "One World Earth"!!! Peace and unity. No "nationism" All nations as One!!!
Just one tiny problem.
The charming charismatic world leader, who actually brought peace (temporarily) to Israel and has seemed to stop all wars, is basically Satan or a total tool of Satan.
Think of a larger than life Hitler or Stalin. This charismatic world leader (here named Franco Maccalouso) has previously mandated (on pain of death) that all must bear some kind of identifying mark on their hand or forehead. No one can buy or sell without it either. And he wants to encourage his people to turn in any known Christians (which he calls "haters") so he can kill them.
Thus, he sets up a televised scripted trial of a prominent world-famous "hater" former broadcaster and news person Helen Hannah, to incite the world against those who choose Jesus over him. (Here, imagine the show trials and/or faked signed confessions Hitler or Stalin extracted from some of their high profile victims...)
Enter Corbin Bernsen playing the disturbed and depressed lawyer forced by bitter former lover Jessica Steen to act as Helen's defense attorney. Yes, there's a bit of LA Law here.
The best scenes in the movie take place in this surreal round courtroom, where judge and audience are elevated on platforms maybe 15 feet high above the lawyers and defendant.
If you like courtroom dramas, this is a reasonably good movie for you to watch, whatever your beliefs (or anti-beliefs). Bernsen's courtroom sparring with Steen, and with witnesses, is quite good. And my young son likes Mr. T. the tough "hater" activist in the subplot...
PS If you are a lawyer, watch for an amazing reference to the founder of the Harvard Law School, Simon Greenleaf, a world renowned expert on evidence.
This isn't the Da Vinci Code with its bad scholarship. This reference will stand. Be sure to check the reference for yourself!!!