Two surprise guests will kick off the two-night premiere event as the Houseguests will live in a modern steel beach house that features a towering sky bridge, making it the largest house yet.
Who will get the seventh phone call and win the power of the last laugh and how will it shake up the live eviction? Plus, a new surprise guest will help twist up the game.
With Austin dethroned, will HoH Vanessa target James or Jeff? Will the veto screw up her master plan? Plus, Gronk has another surprise for the Houseguests.
Tonight, either James or Jeff will leave the Big Brother house and two new Houseguests will rise to power. Plus, a love triangle brings Austin to the boiling point.
Tonight, will the Sixth Sense alliance stay in power, or will the other side of the house finally claim victory? Plus, which two houseguests will be nominated for eviction?
Tonight, see the fallout from Steve's shocking reign of power, plus, a new Head of Household will be crowned and two new Houseguests will go on the block.
Tonight, will the power of veto save either John or Becky? Plus, will Austin and the twins make a power play against the poker player? And get ready to rock, it's the world premiere of Otev Rock n' Roll.
Tonight, will the dentist's brush with glory come to an end? Or will the Colorado girl be forced to take a hike? Plus, your first look inside the jury house and a new battle for power begins.
Tonight, will the dentist be extracted from the house, or will the trombonist play his final tune? Plus, an epic battle will begin to send one juror back into the house.
Tonight, which juror will earn their way back into the game and who will gain power as the new head of household? Plus, two new houseguests will be nominated for eviction. And, will Liz and Austin make it official?
Tonight, a new HoH will be crowned. Will Austwins keep the power, or will Steve, John, or Vanessa's secret alliance emerge from the shadows to strike first?
Tonight, will the showmance be torn apart, or can the power of veto be used to save either Austin or Liz? Plus, the entire house it thrown into an emotional chaos.
Tonight, who will secure their spot to the final four and which two houseguests will be nominated for eviction? Plus, Frankie returns and takes two houseguests on a trip of a lifetime.
Tonight, who will claim the power of veto and guarantee their spot in the final four? Plus, which houseguest will be evicted, and who will become the next HoH?