By any measurement, this is one weird film for several reasons.
It's a cheap-oh drive in movie that is actually fairly well made.
The acting is pretty OK, as movies like this go.
The title character is a dude in a dress.
Many people here wrongly characterize the Miss Leslie character as a transsexual, trying to include this in some positive way with the LGBT movement. Unfortunately it's an erroneous assumption.
Miss Leslie was played by Salvador Ugarte, who was a Cuban playright and actor out of Florida perforing in Spanish language productions.
He was a friend of mine and I can telly you that Miss Leslie is actually supposed to be a man in a dress. In other words, I transvestite, not a transsexual. Sal told me the character has no interest in becoming a woman for real; he's manifesting a fantasy of his mother. Sort of an Ed Gein character, actually.
You'll also notice his voice is dubbed with that of an American woman in the movie. Sal had a Spanish accent!!
Anyway I saw this orginally in what may be the only place it played theatrically in 1972 -- at the Gulf States Twin Air West Driveiin in Penssacola Fl., double billed with a Brit Comedy Drama called "Girly." (And in case you are wondering, the character Girly is a female actress."
Anyway, some of the dialog is dumb but it's such an odd movie, you will want to seek it out and watch.