16 of 32 found this mild
A woman is forced to perform oral sex on a man. While the man also degrades her during this forced sex act, she imagines a full theatre of people watching her. (non-graphic)
We see some scantily clad dancers in the club where Arlene works (doing some stripper type dancing and moves). While no nudity is present, they are bra/bikini-like tops and short shorts. We then see Arlene wearing a bra/bikini-like top that shows lots of cleavage.
A young boy appears in his underwear.
Arlene is shown in her bra a few times.
Arlene wears clothes that show cleavage and stomach a few times.
15 of 22 found this moderate
A boy is slapped across the face.
A man pulls out a gun and threatens a woman.
A girl is seen having an asthma attack. A man almost runs over a boy on a bike.
A man grabs another man and throws him into a bathroom. (Loud clangs and yells are heard.)
A man threatens to abuse a boy (his kid).
There are several talks about a man abusing his wife and child.
There is a discussion in which a man graphically describes being attacked and burned alive by his father in a murder attempt.
A scene in which several school yard bullies are shown, beating up on physically smaller children and eventually throwing them in a dumpster. A small boy is also knocked off his bike by these kids.
11 of 25 found this moderate
2 uses of N**ga
18 uses of Shit, 2 uses of Fag, 7 uses of Ass, 4 uses of Hell, 4 uses of Bullshit, 1 use of Piss, 6 uses of Bitch, 4 uses of Damn, 1 use of Asshole, 1 use of Bastard, 1 use of Dickhead, 1 use of Shithole, 1 use of Oh God, 4 uses of Oh My God, 1 use of My God, 2 uses of Jesus, 3 uses of Goddamn, 1 use of For God's Sake, 1 use of Heavy Ass Shit, 2 uses of Son-of-a-Bitch
12 of 16 found this moderate
We see that Jerry is a junkie (implied to be heroin or meth) when Arlene spots the track marks on his arm. Later, when Trevor goes to see him, we see that Jerry is very high, sitting and staring into space.
Arlene is a recovering alcoholic. There is only one scene in the entire movie that shows her drinking though. She is tempted a couple of times during the movie, during some stressful moments, but resists.
Several patrons of a strip club (where Arlene works) are shown drinking and are heavily intoxicated. One of them offers Arlene a drink, which she refuses.
Arlene's AA sponsor, is shown smoking cigarettes.
A homeless woman is shown drinking.
9 of 20 found this moderate
The scenes where the bullies harass a young boy, may be intense.