Oh man oh man what a film!
An inspired sound track and an intriguing plot (featuring of course a rampaging and seemingly indestructible Godzilla) really made this for me. I mean, come on, who has not seen the Star Wars trilogy and not made the connection between Lando Calrissian and disco, and Obi-Wan Kenobi and the martial arts? Oh? You haven't?! Well let this film enlighten you.
In Cloud City the good citizens are enjoying the 24-hour disco atmosphere in Calrissian's very own city in the sky, blissfully unaware of the terrible force intent on destroying their oasis in the Star Wars universe. A green menace is approaching them, strong in the force, its great body surely containing a good deal of those midi chlorians Obi Wan knows all about. And our heroes, the disco king Calrissian and the Kung Fu Jedi Master Kenobi have all to do when the creature tears into the town.
This short has a precisely crafted narrative, which in it's jerky and pixelated way, works perfectly along with the great Star Wars meets disco head on sound track and the remarkably expressive action figures filmed in among Lego constructed sets!
The "Mace Windu Theater" segment alone is sublime!
If you're on the internet, which you are, then download this file and enjoy for a minute just what can happen inside the Star Wars universe, when Lucas isn't around!