19 reviews
- tarbosh22000
- Apr 27, 2019
- Permalink
ACTIVE STEALTH is a military action film from B-movie purveyor Fred Olen Ray, who along with Charles Band must have made some of the silliest (and cheapest) movies of recent years. This one's a predictable action flick in which American stealth pilots go after the warlord of a made-up South American country and must rescue some kidnapped US hostages in the mean time.
As is the norm for one of these films - most of which seem to have been directed by Ray or Jim Wynorski - a lot of the more impressive action highlights have been lifted from other movies, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER among them; this accounts for pretty much all of the aerial combat in this film. The stuff on the ground is a little more fun, with lots of cheesy macho dialogue, chest-thumping, and slow-motion shoot-outs with various goons.
The film features a laidback performance from Daniel Baldwin (recently of CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER fame, which says everything, and the least famous of the four brothers) as the tough hotshot, and he's supposed by a cast of the usual B-movie stereotypes. Watch out for a couple of old-timers, Andrew Stevens and Fred Williamson, playing officials. ACTIVE STEALTH is a pretty poor film but it's never boring, so it's far from the worst of this genre.
As is the norm for one of these films - most of which seem to have been directed by Ray or Jim Wynorski - a lot of the more impressive action highlights have been lifted from other movies, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER among them; this accounts for pretty much all of the aerial combat in this film. The stuff on the ground is a little more fun, with lots of cheesy macho dialogue, chest-thumping, and slow-motion shoot-outs with various goons.
The film features a laidback performance from Daniel Baldwin (recently of CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER fame, which says everything, and the least famous of the four brothers) as the tough hotshot, and he's supposed by a cast of the usual B-movie stereotypes. Watch out for a couple of old-timers, Andrew Stevens and Fred Williamson, playing officials. ACTIVE STEALTH is a pretty poor film but it's never boring, so it's far from the worst of this genre.
- Leofwine_draca
- Sep 11, 2015
- Permalink
What is wrong with this movie? E V E R Y T H I N G!!!
An absolute piece of crap, with no storyline and lame acting...what can I say? If you havent seen it you're missing the most absurd film ever!
A must see if you are a masochist or just in case you want to get rid of your wife's sister...
An absolute piece of crap, with no storyline and lame acting...what can I say? If you havent seen it you're missing the most absurd film ever!
A must see if you are a masochist or just in case you want to get rid of your wife's sister...
I happened to catch this on one of the cable channels a while back, and the previous reviewer is square-on, it is terrible. This film couldn't have cost more than a hundred grand to make. I've seen better home movies. Daniel Baldwin walks through this looking like he has a perpetual hang-over, and is way too overweight to be taken seriously as a military pilot. He must have been desperate for work at the time. I once served in the Army Rangers with Tim Abell, which is why I kept watching this. While he will never be mistaken for Olivier, Tim has made a name for himself as a notable B-actor, and he seems to find a lot of work. However, this is definitely not his finest effort; in fact, the producers should have hired him as a military consultant instead.
- joe_t_allen
- May 31, 2006
- Permalink
Everything in this movie stinks -- from a fat and wasted looking William Baldwin to an insulting inattention to military detail. I don't expect much from mine-run action flicks but this one was incredibly bad, even by my relaxed standards for the genre. For example, as our heroes are flying in to make the rescue (don't ask), a young female soldier asks the Colonel back at the base, "Do you think they have a chance, sir?" to which the Colonel answers, "Not a chance in hell, but they might make it anyway." Perhaps the only trite line I did not hear was, "It's an old trick, but it just might work." Maxwell Smart would have been comfortable in this one.
Just like my joke it was terrible. The plot was lame, the acting dire. The warning on the end of the film should have read, "Any similarity to realities real or imaginary is coincidental'. I will say one thing in its defence. No one on the film probably even talked to the army or airforce, most of the Intruder scenes at the start of the movie are stolen from `Flight of the Intruder' a Vietnam War film. These clips seem to have been included where they generally looked good for the plot so of course, the internal shots didn't match the externals. All I can really say about this film is AVOID!
I guess I did rent the wrong one.... I meant to pick up a video about some Apache unit, which theoretically could also have been bad. But not too likely.
When I saw the ratings y'all had given this, I thought maybe I might disagree.
However: I also noticed the FLIR & DLIR switched being flipped to engage the countermeasures.... I find it quite sad that ~I~ noticed that, and the producers didn't- as I've only read a few books about the subject at hand.....
And the acting? I suppose it COULD be worse. But not much.
The plot? I personally questioned the degree of disrespect given by "Hollywood" towards his commanding officer. How accurate is that? I've never served in any branch of the Services, but I find it hard to believe that any commander at any level would put up with what he got in this movie. Of course, it IS "just" a movie, but still...
I suppose this was better than watching Richard Simmons, with no disrespect to said individual intended....
When I saw the ratings y'all had given this, I thought maybe I might disagree.
However: I also noticed the FLIR & DLIR switched being flipped to engage the countermeasures.... I find it quite sad that ~I~ noticed that, and the producers didn't- as I've only read a few books about the subject at hand.....
And the acting? I suppose it COULD be worse. But not much.
The plot? I personally questioned the degree of disrespect given by "Hollywood" towards his commanding officer. How accurate is that? I've never served in any branch of the Services, but I find it hard to believe that any commander at any level would put up with what he got in this movie. Of course, it IS "just" a movie, but still...
I suppose this was better than watching Richard Simmons, with no disrespect to said individual intended....
- kingedward
- Feb 28, 2002
- Permalink
This is more of a warning, this movie is just plain bad and gets worse as you watch, the characters are dull and the attention to detail is nonexistent, right down to the Captain of the aircraft carriers hat that has the registry number of the ship starting with SSN, that would make it a submarine!! A carrier is CVN!
This is easily the worst military movie ever made. I understand that there can be some far fetched concepts in the movies, but that's OK, this was just acting, poorly advised, and poorly written. I find it hard to believe that they had a military adviser at all. I'm sure if they had at least tried they could have found a homeless veteran that would have advised for the fee of a bottle of Jack Daniels. This was an even worse portrayal of Army Rangers than Basic with John Travolta. And they had a female ranger in that movie. Even some one with absolutely no knowledge of the army would think that the military operations in the movie were terrible. And the packaging has pictures of Navy Sea Stallion Helicopters and the write up on the back mentions an Apache attack Helicopter squadron, none of which are in the movie. I could go on for hours. A promotion from captain to lieutenant colonel?? My friend and I are in Iraq right now and it came to us in a care package. Clearly whoever sent tnis movie already saw it and wanted it as far away from them as possible.
- netherworld7
- May 9, 2005
- Permalink
Quite probably the worst film I have ever seen, I don't know how anyone can even have scripted this film. The body count of about 200 (on a mission of which the sole purpose is to rescue one hostage) is perhaps the only redeeming feature, yet we are led to believe that such a disastrous mission would be hailed as a glorious victory in a press conference... surely some mistake!
The only way to watch this movie is with director's commentary on!
Which the movie itself is sub-par, maybe even below, I can't help but watch this movie over and over again.
Whether its the director talking about
-trying to get the actor's to shoot less blanks in exchange for more taco's -how one can't remove his super bowl rings and even points out a scene -how he wrestles some of the actor's -using the sub set from "Periscope Down" as a aircraft carrier -renting a plane prop from "JAG" that had no wings -always killing an actor -using a wal mart plastic airplane and holding it with his hands -The stock footage of a stealth plane and the one rented from JAG are completely different -simulating clouds with cigar smoke and a fan -Did I mention that for every blank you shoot that costs a dollar,and with that dollar we could buy another taco! -A water bottle is a cheap and effective sound effect to simulate the breaking of your neck
Ever since I saw this movie Daniel Baldwin is my hero, one day I too can be the 'Lost' Baldwin Brother.
Which the movie itself is sub-par, maybe even below, I can't help but watch this movie over and over again.
Whether its the director talking about
-trying to get the actor's to shoot less blanks in exchange for more taco's -how one can't remove his super bowl rings and even points out a scene -how he wrestles some of the actor's -using the sub set from "Periscope Down" as a aircraft carrier -renting a plane prop from "JAG" that had no wings -always killing an actor -using a wal mart plastic airplane and holding it with his hands -The stock footage of a stealth plane and the one rented from JAG are completely different -simulating clouds with cigar smoke and a fan -Did I mention that for every blank you shoot that costs a dollar,and with that dollar we could buy another taco! -A water bottle is a cheap and effective sound effect to simulate the breaking of your neck
Ever since I saw this movie Daniel Baldwin is my hero, one day I too can be the 'Lost' Baldwin Brother.
This is a decent action movie ... especially for the budget. A feel good ending that caught me by surprise to boot.
- hwg1957-102-265704
- Dec 17, 2020
- Permalink
This is the most unrealistic military movie that I have ever seen in my life. There are too many inconsistencies too mention them all but here are a few: 1. There are no fighter pilots in the Army, let alone in the Army Rangers 2. In the beginning, the Rangers leave behind their dead and wounded comrades. Rangers would NEVER do this. as stated in the Ranger Creed "never shall I leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy" 3. The Ranger colonel is wearing a Ranger battalion scroll. A full bird colonel would not be in a Ranger battalion, the highest ranking officer in a battalion is a Lieutenant Colonel. The colonel would have to be wearing a 75th Ranger Regiment scroll. 4. The colonel is also wearing an 82nd Airborne Division patch. He COULD NOT be serving in both the Rangers and Airborne at the same time. 5. There is no button on a stealth fighter that turns the stealth on and off. The plane is stealth because of its shape and jamming capabilities, not due to some magic force-field or something. This movie is an insult to all Rangers past and present, and all copies should be burned in a public square.
This is one of the few entertaining jet fighting movies i've seen lately, since the Top Gun day's. For someone who loves jet fighters, I think it was quite a well made movie, which had a capturing story, and good acting.
I can't comment on the military discrepancies (I think some 90% of all those watching this film also don't know anything as specific about the army as FLIRs and DLIRs) but the movie has some extremely silly situations in general. For example, take the scene where the two soldiers are playing with cups and a coin in a cell and fool their guard. It wouldn't be funny even in a comedy.
Indeed an appalling movie. When I saw the ridiculous air explosions effects I thought the movie had been made in 1980s. But it was made in around 1999!
Indeed an appalling movie. When I saw the ridiculous air explosions effects I thought the movie had been made in 1980s. But it was made in around 1999!
- Juozas Rimas Jr
- Aug 2, 2002
- Permalink
I liked the movie except for two things. One, of the guys in the explosion scene, didn't "blow up" like he was supposed to. He fell forward about a second late. Secondly the number they used for the aircraft carrier was wrong. SSN's are submarines, not carriers. Any Navy/Military buff ( and this films target audience) probably picked up on that. It makes the director look bad as they didn't do their research . Other than that I liked it. I love the twists the film took at the end. And I can also agree somewhat with the earlier William Baldwin comment. He looked a little off in some scenes but maybe I'm just picky. Who knows. Also I thought they kept that agent's character a little too underplayed. It didn't make sense.
It seemed to me that she was just the "token woman" at times.
It seemed to me that she was just the "token woman" at times.
- cesna172_71
- Dec 7, 2004
- Permalink
I only caught part of this movie as it was playing on HBO... One thing that caught me, aside from the hat the carrier commander was wearing said SSN, instead of CVN, was that when the pilot of the stealth went to hit his countermeasures, two of the buttons he hit were marked "FLIR" and "DLIR". For anyone who knows even a little about military aircraft, FLIR and DLIR are radars, NOT flares or other countermeasures. This was just a bad movie, even from the few parts I saw. It's an insult to every military pilot out there and to anyone who even knows a little bit about the planes featured. The fact that the F-117 is NOT a 2-seater, let alone has no room for passengers in the back. I can't believe that the producers and others involved would pay no attention whatsoever to detail.