Goddess Bunny is a 90 minute documentary about The Goddess Bunny, a gay transvestite (hoping to be trans-gendered at the time of the filming) underground entertainer and model who is also a polio victim.We see Bunny off and on stage, where she lip syncs, as well in her movie appearances.Mostly the film consists of several interviews with Bunny in and out of drag, as well as interviews with friends and acquaintances (some of whom we also see perform).
It's an odd duck film about an odd duck entertainer who is simply trying to just get by. More interesting than it has a right to be this film suffers from two related flaws. The first is that the world she inhabits can be rather over whelming. Its one thing to be introduced to some one like Bunny, it's another to take in the Underground world as well. By the time we get to the art show opening where Bunny is set to appear(photos of her as an AIDS terrorist were being exhibited) but doesn't (she has a habit of getting friends with zero navigational skills to act as driver) we begin to feel overwhelmed. It doesn't help that the art, thematically grouped to reveal a kind of nihilism, is just a tad disturbing. The second flaw is that the structure of the film is such that it's a bit too jumbled in the telling. For example by the time that Bunny tells us about her life with polio victim, as a foster child and rape victim the movie is almost over. There is a great deal of repetition and you could probably trim this down by 35 or 40 minutes and a get a great one hour documentary out of it. As it stands now its not a bad film its just one that gives us too much to take in.
Worth a look for those who want to see an interesting look at a someone beyond the fringes of normal society. All others are advised to proceed with caution.