The Perils of Penelope Pitstop (1969–1971)
Paul Lynde: The Hooded Claw, Sylvester Sneekly
[From "Jungle Jeopardy", when the Hooded Claw eventually captures Penelope]
Sylvester Sneekly : Welcome, Penelope.
Penelope Pitstop : Oh, it's you, my archenemy, The Hooded Claw.
Sylvester Sneekly : Who did you expect - Dick Dastardly?
Narrator : [Opening sequence] The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. Starring those seven rollicking rescuers The Ant Hill Mob, their courageous car Chugaboom... and that villain of villains, The Hooded Claw. Penelope Pitstop, heiress to a vast fortune, is in perpetual peril from her fortune seeking guardian Sylvester Sneekly, who, unknown to her, is really the Hooded Claw.
[the Hooded Claw laughs deviously]
Narrator : But foiling this fiend's foul plots are Penelope's everepresent protectors The Ant Hill Mob.
Sylvester Sneekly : I'll get you, Penelope Pitstop!