David's up against a demonic horde, and the only thing he can use to save himself is his virginity!
Eight skiers out on the Alps or some sh*t all manage to fall into a huge hole, where one of them, Sabina, breaks her leg. They discover a body down there with a mask attached and remove said mask, causing some of them to go crazy. After a demon wind blows into the cave, the remaining seven skiers (one, a pain in the arse called Sergio, is killed by an icicle) find a strange church under the snow, which leads to a small town where there's only one resident: A blind priest.
I forgot already: Sabina's leg is cured by this point. Everyone except David and Sabina starts acting like totalarseholes in the priest's house, taking the pish out the blind guy and causing him to look up some legend about Abinas, a witch who was burned and cursed everyone years before. Things from now on get increasingly strange and freaky.
The thing is, Sabina's still been acting normal by this point, but as her buddies (including a still young looking Michele Soavi, of every Italian film made in the eighties) are freaking out, pulling their teeth out and doing all that satanic stuff. Also, the only non-normal thing Sabina's trying to do is pop David's cherry, which she tries to do again and again until for some reason she turns into a rotten zombie/giant chicken.
After watching this one, Lamberto Bava's Graveyard Disturbance makes a lot more sense. He's going for freaky visuals and alternate realities here (and in that film), and to be honest, it works. This film is far from predictable. Hell, it's hard as hell to follow half the time. Characters are killed over and over and still come back (there's a nice shot of Sergio coming back in the middle of the film), some gargoyles come alive and there's the ever present wind blowing through everything and continuous snow.
That said, if you have half a brain and therefore some patience, you might find yourself getting tired of the constant attempts to get David to empty his pods. This film isn't scary, but it's nice and trippy and therefore I give it a thumbs up.
Haha! That's not a thumb - it's a demon penis. Fooled you!
No - it's not. It's a thumb that loves you. You said you'd never leave this thumb. Why leave?
Kidding! It's basically a demon penis! Fooled you! Haha! Phallus beef! Erzatz thumb!
No it's a thumb...sorry...
Haha! Demon tadger! Ahhh...
Basically the last few lines of this review are this film. Also - IMDb spell checked me for spelling arseholes wrong!