The World of the Seekers, originally aired for Australian TV very shortly before the group disbanded in 1968, is the story of the Australian folk group The Seekers. It tells in flashback how three childhood schoolmates - each talented musicians and singers in their own right - had the good fortune as young adults to cross paths with a young woman with angelic looks and a soaring, pure, equally angelic voice. She is the great, most definitely underrated Judith Durham, whom the story reveals had wanted to be an opera singer but had been swayed by her overwhelming interest in gospel and jazz, and both influences appear in the music of the mostly folk-oriented group. Although an amazing solo vocalist, there was something about the blend of her high lead vocals with the traditional trio of male folk harmonies underneath that proved to be the key to the fame and fortune that followed, culminating in them being named the 1967 Australians of the Year. Shortly after filming this special, Durham left the band for a solo career. I would recommend this special for fans of great vocal harmony and sixties nostalgia. It is done in a very understated way and contains many full performances by the group. This is one of the best popular music specials of the sixties.