This film features a competent cast: Joe Mantegna as an apparent nice-guy art dealer with a shadowy past; the rangy, smoky-eyed Joanna Pacula as a soft-voiced psychotherapist; and hardbody Sung Hi Lee as a struggling, possibly disturbed young artist. The movie is shot like an erotic thriller, but there is essentially no sex (although Lee has a prolonged solo nude scene). ERROR IN JUDGMENT is really more of psycho-thriller, with much of the action related in third person by Lee to Pacula. The buildup is rather slow, but the writer does successfully keep you guessing until the final few minutes. After all that the resolution is somewhat rushed and cursory, but most will find the ending satisfying. The film would have benefited by more heat between Pacula and Mantegna, who seem a little mismatched romantically, she an exotic, distant persona, and he more of an affable everyman.