493 of 1052 found this mild
Just two kissing scenes.
350 of 519 found this moderate
The violence is mostly bloodless with shootouts and stylized martial arts combat that result in little to no blood.
Lots of killings with machine guns, resulting in numerous bodies and little blood.
There are gunshot wounds on the chests and on the backs of a few people.
There are numerous martial arts fights with lots of punching and hitting. A few more intense scenes have closeups of people being punched with blood around their mouths.
Some people get their bodies slammed against walls. Not very brutal.
Trinity throws a knife into a man's forehead during an action scene, some blood is shown if you pause in the exact moment where he collapses
An agent is shot at an extremely close range; we don't see the impact in detail but there is a brief red mist.
A man is shot by a lot of bullets. You briefly see the the impact.
Neo shoots a few people at a security gate.
A couple of people are killed with a laser gun, we don't see much detail.
274 of 578 found this moderate
G-damn a few times. Hell. One sh*t. The songs in the end credits have some uses of the F-bomb.
Some crude humor.
351 of 443 found this mild
Mescaline is mentioned once.
Some brief drinking of wine and homemade spirits and a few instances of smoking cigarettes and cigars.
279 of 467 found this moderate
Typical kung-fu action movie violence but with some horror elements and futuristic machine-like creatures. The special effects are very stylish and not too grotesque. Nothing too intense other than trying to escape from the dystopian authorities and hoping the good guys succeed before they get caught.
Pretty bold/adventurous movie.