While most people will probably absolutely hate it, I, personally, found a lot in the experimental film "Back and Forth". It is from filmmaker Michael Snow, whose films have been both highly praise and highly hated. Just look at the user ratings of his films on IMDb! "Wavelength" has a 5.9 and this film has a 5.8 rating.
So, obviously, audiences are very split on the films of Michael Snow, and that makes a lot of sense, considering hardly anything really happens in a Michael Snow film, but that makes me appreciate his films even more! Because when stuff actually does happen, you pay more attention to what is happening in the film, and spot almost every detail.
Does nothing REALLY happen in this movie? No! Not at all! Well, what does?
First of all, the film takes place in a classroom ("Wavelength" also takes place in only one room), and it is absolutely plot less. However, things do happen. At times people are seen wondering around, sitting, etc., sometimes there are even multiple people in the room at the same time, at others a person can be seen from a window.
And, I must mention, there is a reason to the film being called "Back and Forth", and this is because a majority of the film is filmed with the camera moving from left to right, back and forth. The camera movements become more and more intense, until the film becomes almost surreal and dreamlike, and these rapid camera movements begin to change the look of the film entirely.
The images become more and more intense and more and more violent in their rapidly moving fury. As I already said, most will hate it, but I saw a lot in "Back and Forth", and it makes me want to see more films from director Michael Snow.