520 of 583 found this to have none
A man and a woman kiss passionately and pledge their love to each other.
Male monsters are shown emerging from goo as they are created. They wear no clothes at first and their buttocks can subtly be seen in some shots.
278 of 389 found this moderate
A bunch of twisted slimy dwarf skeletons.
High King "Gil Glad" a character from the "silmalarian" appears very briefly in the prologue, which shows him impaling an orc, a scene that was cut due to an increasing chance of an "R" rating showed his death, which included him being lifted up by "Sauron" and being set on fire by his arm, their was also going to be a brief glimpse of the aftermath of his death.
PG-13 violence type: blood and graphic.
This flashback culminates with a scene in which there is some more fighting similar to the big battle. A man dives into a river and then is shot by archers. We do not see the impact, but the man is seen floating dead with several arrows protruding from his back, and some diluted blood can be seen in the water.
Two elderly men fight using long sticks that emit bolts of power. They are both knocked to the ground, and flung about. By the end, they both have bloody faces. One is magically forced to rotate while lying on the floor, with his fixed head being the central point of rotation.
An innocent hobbit strolling down a street has his head lopped off by a Nazgul (non-graphic). The scene cuts away on impact.
There is a battle in a cavern involving the heroes, orcs, and a troll. This battle is mostly non-graphic swordplay with the exception of two points. The first is when a man removes the head of an orc, and there is a small splash of black blood. The second is when the troll is shot through the mouth; again, there is little to no blood, but the arrows are shown protruding from the back of the creature's head, and from its mouth.
A man is repeatedly shot with arrows. We see the impact, and he grunts in pain. He is shot three times in total. An uruk then prepares to shoot him in the head, but he is interrupted by another character.
359 of 406 found this to have none
Slang terms like: Bastard, Bloody, Damn, Hell, Maggot, etc.
287 of 378 found this mild
The Hobbits drink a lot of ale, and some get drunk.
One scene at a bar where seveal people are drinking alcohol. Several people there are very drunk.
A lot of characters smoke pipes.
Gandalf and Bilbo are seen smoking pipes.
When Frodo and friends go to a bar to hide from Nazgul the people that are inside are seen drinking a lot and some are getting drunk.
256 of 376 found this moderate
Gandalf leans over to pick up the ring and a very sudden flash of the eye with a loud noise happens. May startle many.
As the fellowship are crossing the bridge of Khazad-dûm, they arrive at a part of the bridge that is in the process of crumbling, and they barely make it across before the section of bridge crumbles completely and falls down into the abyss.
A quick shot of a spider and a many-legged bug when the hobbits are hiding from a ringwraith
In the orc place all the orcs dig for another orc which is intense.
The film is intended for people 13 over due to violence.
There are a couple of jump moments. A scene in which a friendly character's face briefly turns grotesque suddenly and without warning. The change is accompanied by a loud snarl from the character, but he returns back to how he was crying.
Another jump scene involves a character hiding behind a pillar, when suddenly, a much larger creature goes around the other side of the pillar and roars loudly.
The Nazgul are evil creatures that are cloaked all in black, and that give off a bloodcurdling cry from time to time.
The formation of Lurtz is grotesque. Some may find it disturbing.
The facial appearance of the Orcs could be scary. The faces of the orcs are cut up and a little bloody with yellow eyes and gray skin.