- Nun: Let me get this straight: you don't believe in God because of "Alice in Wonderland"?
- Loki: No, "Through the Looking Glass". That poem, "The Walrus and the Carpenter," that's an indictment of organized religion. The walrus, with his girth and his good nature, he obviously represents either Buddha, or, or with his tusks, the Hindu elephant god, Lord Ganesha. That takes care of your Eastern religions. Now the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter's son, he represents the Western religions. Now in the poem, what do they do? What do they do? They, they dupe all these oysters into following them and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en masse. I don't know what that says to you, but to me it says that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensures the destruction of one's inner being. Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions, by inhibiting our decisions out of, out of fear of some, some intangible parent figure who, who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says, and says, "Do it... do it and I'll fuckin' spank you."
- Bartleby: [Bartleby is listening from a nearby seat]
- [quietly]
- Bartleby: Oh, geez...
- Nun: The way you put it... I never really thought about it like that before. What have I been doing with my life? What am I...
- Loki: Yeah, I know. Listen, my advice to you: you take this money that you've been collecting for your parish, go get yourself a nice dress, you know? Fix yourself up. Find some man, find some woman, that you can connect with, even for a moment, 'cause that's really all that life is, Sister. It's a series of moments. Why don't you seize yours?
- [the nun hesitates, then smiles, nods, and leaves]
- Loki: That-a girl. Ah.
- [he turns around and sits next to Bartleby with a grin on his face]
- Bartleby: You know, here's what I don't get about you. You know for a fact that there is a God. You've been in His presence. He's spoken to you personally. Yet I just heard you claim to be an atheist.
- Loki: I just like to fuck with the clergy, man. I just love it, I love to keep those guys on their toes.
- Metatron: Metatron acts as the voice of God. Any documented occasion when some yahoo claims God has spoken to them, they're speaking to me. Or they're talking to themselves.
- Metatron: Tell a person that you're the Metatron and they stare at you blankly. Mention something out of a Charlton Heston movie and suddenly everybody is a theology scholar.
- Bethany: I don't want this, it's too big.
- Metatron: That's what Jesus said. Yes, I had to tell him. And you can imagine how that hurt the Father - not to be able to tell the Son Himself because one word from His lips would destroy the boy's frail human form? So I was forced to deliver the news to a scared child who wanted nothing more than to play with other children. I had to tell this little boy that He was God's only Son, and that it meant a life of persecution and eventual crucifixion at the hands of the very people He came to enlighten and redeem. He begged me to take it back, as if I could. He begged me to make it all not true. And I'll let you in on something, Bethany, this is something I've never told anyone before... If I had the power, I would have.
- Rufus: He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it.
- Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good?
- Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier...
- Metatron: Human beings have neither the aural nor the psychological capacity to withstand the awesome power of God's true voice. Were you to hear it, your mind would cave in and your heart would explode within your chest. We went through five Adams before we figured that one out.
- Serendipity: I'm responsible for nineteen of the twenty top-grossing films of all time.
- Bethany: Nineteen?
- Serendipity: Yeah, the one about the kid, by himself in his house, burglars trying to get in and he fights them off? I had nothing to do with that one. Somebody sold their soul to Satan to get the grosses up on that piece of shit.
- Jay: You're breaking up with us? Who do you think you are, lady? You can't go around breaking guys hearts like us. I fell in love with you!
- [Silent Bob pokes his arm]
- Jay: I mean we fell in love with you! Guys like us just don't fall out of the fucking sky, you know!
- [Rufus falls out of the sky]
- Jay: [shouting skyward] Beautiful, naked, big-titted women just don't fall out of the sky, you know!
- [nothing happens]
- Jay: Oh, well. It was worth a try.
- Metatron: I am to charge you with a holy crusade.
- Bethany: For the record, I work in an abortion clinic.
- Metatron: Noah was a drunk. Look what he accomplished. And no one's even asking you to build an ark. All you have to do is go to New Jersey, and visit a small church on a very important day.
- Bethany: New Jersey? That doesn't sound like much of a crusade.
- Metatron: Aside from the fine print, that's it.
- Bethany: What's the fine print?
- Metatron: [mumbling into glass] Stopacoupleofangelsfromenteringandthusnegatingallexistence.
- Bethany: Wait, wait, wait. Repeat that.
- Metatron: Stop a couple of angels from entering and thus negating all existence. I hate when people need it spelled out for them.
- Metatron: [Bethany hears a noise in her closet at night. She reaches under her bed and pulls out a baseball bat. Flames suddenly erupt in the middle of the room] Behold the Metatron, herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true God. Behold the Metatron, herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true God.
- [Bethany runs to her closet, pulls out a fire extinguisher]
- Metatron: Behold the Metatron, herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true G -
- [Bethany douses the fire]
- Metatron: Oh, G -
- [Metatron coughs repeatedly and emerges from the smoke as Bethany rushes back to the bed and grabs the bat again]
- Metatron: Agh! Sweet Jesus, did you have to use the whole can?
- Bethany: [brandishing the bat] Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my room?
- Metatron: I'm the one that's soaked and she's the one that's surly, that's rich. Stupid fucking... Christ...
- Bethany: Get the fuck out of here! NOW!
- Metatron: Or you'll do what, exactly? Hit me with that ffffffish?
- [Bethany realizes she's holding a large fish, and drops it in shock]
- Metatron: Now, just sit down on the bed and shut up. Jesus wept... look at my suit!
- Bethany: Look, just take whatever you want, but don't kill or rape me.
- Metatron: Oh, get over it, will you? I couldn't rape you if I wanted to. Angels are ill-equipped.
- [he drops his pants to show blank skin where his genitals should be]
- Metatron: See? I'm as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll. Now make yourself useful and gimme that towel, will you?
- [Bethany tosses it to him and he starts wiping his clothes dry]
- Metatron: Honestly, you bottom feeders and your arrogance, you think everybody's just trying to get in your knickers.
- Bethany: What are you?
- Metatron: I'm pissed off, is what I am! Do you go around drenching everybody that comes into your room with flame-retardant chemicals? No wonder you're single.
- Bartleby: The humans have besmirched everything bestowed on them. They were given Paradise, they threw it away. They were given this planet, they destroyed it. They were favored best among all His endeavors, and some of them don't even believe He exists. And in spite of it all, He's shown them infinite fucking patience at every turn. What about us? I asked you... once to lay down the sword because I felt sorry for them. What was the result? Our expulsion from Paradise. WHERE WAS HIS INFINITE FUCKING PATIENCE THEN? IT'S NOT RIGHT, IT'S NOT FAIR. We've paid our debt. Don't you think it's time? Don't you think its time we went home? and to do that, I think we have to dispatch of our would-be dispatchers.
- Serendipity: When are you people going to learn? It's not about who's right or wrong. No denomination's nailed it yet, because they're all too self-righteous to realize that it doesn't matter what you have faith in, just that you have faith. Your hearts are in the right place, but your brains gotta to wake up.
- Bethany: Jesus didn't have any brothers or sisters. Mary was a virgin.
- Rufus: Mary gave birth to CHRIST without having known a man's touch, that's true. But she did have a husband. And do you really think he'd have stayed married to her all those years if he wasn't getting laid? The nature of God and the Virgin birth, those are leaps of faith. But to believe a married couple never got down? Well, that's just plain gullibility.
- Bartleby: You are responsible for raising an icon which draws worship from the Lord. You have broken the first commandment. Not only that, I'm afraid not a one of you passes for a decent human being. Your continued existence is a mockery of morality. Like you, Mr. Burton. Last year cheated on your wife of 17 years 8 times. You even had sex with her best friend while you were supposed to be home watching the kids.
- Loki: In the bed that you and your wife share, no less.
- Bartleby: Mr. Newman - you got your girlfriend drunk at last year's Christmas party and then paid a kid from the mail room to have sex with her while she was passed out, just so you could break up with her guilt-free when she sobbingly confessed in the morning. She killed herself two months later. Mr. Brace disowned his gay son. Very compassionate, Mr. Brace. Mr. Ray put his mother in a third-rate nursing home and then used the profits from the sale of her home to buy an oriental rug for himself. Heavens. Mr. Barker flew to Thailand on the company account to have sex with an eleven year old boy. Mr. Holtzman okayed the production of Mooby Dolls from materials he knew to be toxic and unsafe, because it was - survey says? - less costly.
- [sees the female board member]
- Bartleby: You, on the other hand, are an innocent. You lead a good life. Good for you. But you, Mr. Whitland, you have more skeletons in your closet than the rest of this assembled party. I cannot even mention them aloud.
- [whispers something in Whitland's ear]
- Loki: You're his father, you sick fuck.
- [Whitland starts crying]
- [Loki & Bartleby enter a crowded elevator]
- Loki: Last four days on Earth? Hm! If I had a dick, I'd go get laid. We can do the next best thing.
- Bartleby: What's that?
- Loki: Well, let's kill people.
- [woman standing between them chokes on her coffee]
- Loki: [chuckling, to woman, as the elevator doors close] Oh, not you.
- Bartleby: Hello, we'd like two tickets to New Jersey, please.
- Bus Station Attendant: Jersey's sold out, sir.
- Loki: What?
- Bus Station Attendant: There's one at the same time tomorrow. I suggest you not underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State, and show up two hours in advance.
- Loki: Wait, so all I gotta do, I walk through the arch thing... and then I can go back home?
- Bartleby: No. By walking through the archway, all your sins are forgiven. Then all we have to do is die.
- Loki: Die? I don't wanna die!
- Bartleby: What, you'd rather hang around here for a few more eons?
- Loki: No! We don't even know if we CAN die.
- [Bartleby looks exasperated]
- Loki: All right, but what if we can and then, and then the arch thing doesn't work? What then? Hell? Fuck that.
- Bartleby: It's possible.
- Loki: Fuck that!
- Bartleby: If we cut off our wings, transubstantiate to complete human form, we become mortal. If we die with clean souls, there's no way they can keep us out. We won't be angels anymore, but at least we get to go home.
- Loki: Who sent the paper?
- Bartleby: Who cares who sent the paper? All that matters is that after all these years, we found a loophole! They can't keep us out anymore! And once we get back in, I'm sure they'll just forgive and forget.
- Loki: But this thing is, this is... this is... this is church law. It's not divine mandate. Catholic Church laws are fallible because they're created by man.
- Bartleby: One of the last sacred promises imparted to Peter, the first Pope, by the Son of God before He left was... "Whatever you hold true on earth..."
- Loki: "I'll hold true in heaven."
- Bartleby: It's dogmatic law. The Catholic Church says it's so, God must adhere, this thing has a papal sanction...
- Loki: Let it never be said that your anal-retentive attention to detail never yielded positive results.
- Bartleby: You can't be anal-retentive if you don't have an anus.
- Loki: Outstanding work!
- Liz: He said that faith is like a glass of water. When you're young, the glass is small, and it's easy to fill up. But the older you get, the bigger the glass gets, and the same amount of liquid doesn't fill it anymore. Periodically, the glass has to be refilled.
- Bethany: You're suggesting I need to get filled?
- Liz: In more ways than one. You need to get laid, Bethany Sloane. You need a man, if only for ten minutes.
- Bethany: It's been my experience that the average male is never a man. Not even for ten minutes in his entire lifespan.
- Liz: That'a a bit militant. You thinking of joining the other side?
- Bethany: Couldn't do it. Women are insane.
- Liz: Then YOU need to go back to church and ask God for a third option.
- Bethany: I think that God is dead.
- Liz: The sign of a true Catholic.
- Gun Salesman: We call this piece the Fecalator. One look at it and the target shits him or herself. Try it on.
- Loki: Well, it's a lot more compact than the flaming sword, but it's not nearly as impressive. Just doesn't have that Wrath-of-the-Almighty edge to it. I mean, come on, how am I supposed to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked with this thing? Look at this...
- Bartleby: Well, then, you know, don't use a gun. Just lay the place to waste, like.
- Loki: Easy for you to say. You get off light in razing. You got to stand there and read at Sodom and Gomorrah, I had to do all the work.
- Bartleby: What work did you do? You lit a few fires.
- Loki: I rained down sulphur, man, there's a subtle difference.
- Bartleby: Oh, yeah, I'm sure.
- Loki: Hey, you know, fuck you, man. Any moron with a pack of matches can set a fire. Raining down sulphur is like an endurance trial man. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer.
- Jay: I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar.
- [about Azrael's neutrality in the Holy Conflict]
- Jay: What are you, some kind of fucking chicken?
- Azrael: No, I was an ARTIST, STUPID! I WAS INSPIRATION! A muse has no place in battle!
- Serendipity: So after the fallen were banished to hell, God turned on those who wouldn't fight, and Azrael was sent down with the demons.
- [mockingly]
- Serendipity: Something he considers a GRAVE injustice!
- Azrael: Ah, come on! Don't tell me you NEVER questioned the judgement, Serendipity.
- Serendipity: No. It never bothered me. So you were an artist! Big deal! Elvis was an artist. But that didn't stop him from joining the service in time of war. And that's why he's The King, and you're a schmuck.
- Rufus: White folks only want to hear the good shit: life eternal, a place in God's Heaven. But as soon as they hear they're getting this good shit from a black Jesus, they freak. And that, my friends, is called hypocrisy. A black man can steal your stereo, but he can't be your Savior.
- Rufus: I'm telling you, man, this ceremony is a big mistake.
- Cardinal Glick: The Catholic Church does not make mistakes.
- Rufus: Please. What about the Church's silent consent to the slave trade?
- Bethany: And its platform of noninvolvement during the Holocaust?
- Cardinal Glick: All right, mistakes were made.
- Loki: Do you know what makes a human being decent? Fear. And therein lies the problem. None of you has anything left to fear anymore. You rest comfortably in seats of inscrutable power, hiding behind your false idol, far from judgment, lives shrouded in secrecy even from one another. But not from God.
- [about Christ]
- Rufus: What He really hates is the shit that gets carried out in his name. Wars. Bigotry. Televangelism.
- [the Stygian Triplets close in on Bethany]
- Jay: Snootch to the motherfuckin' nootch!
- [Jay and Silent Bob kick the Triplets' asses]
- Metatron: So once he's done with the firstborn, Loki takes his friend Bartleby out for a post-slaughter drink. And over many rounds, they get into this discussion about whether or not murder in the name of God is okay. And in the end, Bartleby convinces Loki to quit his position and take a lesser one that doesn't involve slaughter. So - very inebriated - Loki tells God he quits, throws down his fiery sword, and gives Him the finger, which ruins it for the rest of us, because from that day forward, God decreed that all angels could no longer imbibe alcohol, hence all the spitting.
- Hospital P. A.: I repeat, this is not a drill. This is the apocalypse. Please exit the hospital in an orderly fashion. Thank you.
- Loki: Whose house? Run's house! I said whose house? Run's house! who's house say what run's house say what Martin! Martin!
- Metatron: Anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence would do well to cover their ears right about now.
- Loki: [to the female Mooby employee after shooting the board members] Gum? Oh these guys, they were fakes You're a pure soul. You have nothing to worry about.
- [holds his gun up]
- Loki: But you did not say "God bless you" when I sneezed.
- Bartleby: [yelling off camera] LOKI!
- Loki: You're getting off light!
- Serendipity: Read the Bible again sometime. Women are painted as bigger antagonists than the Egyptians and Romans combined. It stinks.
- Bartleby: Don't... See, don't let your sympathies get the best of you, they did me once. Scion or not, she's still just a human, and by passing through that arch, our sins are forgiven, no harm, no foul.
- Loki: My God... I've heard a rant like this before.
- Bartleby: What did you say?
- Loki: I've heard a rant like this before.
- Bartleby: Don't you fucking do that to me!
- Loki: You sound like the Morning star.
- Bartleby: You shut your fucking mouth!
- Loki: You do! You sound like Lucifer, man! You've fucking lost it! You're not talking about going home, Bartleby, you're talking about fucking *war* on *God* Well, *fuck* that! I have seen what happens to the proud when they take on the Throne! I'm going back to Wisconsin
- Bartleby: [Slams Loki into a wall] We're going home, Loki. And no one, not you, not even the Almighty Himself, is gonna make that otherwise.
- Jay: [Bethany, Jay, and Silent Bob are sitting in a diner; the guys are staring at Bethany expectantly] So what's up? You have a friend for Silent Bob or are you just gonna do us both? If so, I'm first. I hate sloppy seconds.
- Bethany: You're a man of principle. Jersey's pretty far from McHenry, may I ask what brought you here?
- Jay: Some fuck named John Hughes.
- Bethany: "16 Candles" John Hughes?
- Jay: You know that guy too? That fuckin' guy. He made this flick, "16 Candles". Not bad, there's tits in it but no bush. But Ebert over here don't give a shit about that kind of thing, 'cause he's like, all in love with this John Hughes guy.
- [Silent Bob shakes his head with a "whatever" look on his face]
- Jay: He goes out and rents, like, every one of his movies. Fuckin' "Breakfast Club", where all these stupid kids actually show up for detention. Fuckin' "Weird Science", where this babe wants to take her gear off and get down, but oh no, she don't, 'cause it's a PG movie. And then "Pretty in Pink", which I can't even watch with this tubby bitch anymore 'cause every time he gets to the part where the redhead hooks up with her dream guy, he starts sobbin' like a little bitch with a skinned knee and shit. And there's nothing worse than watching a fuckin' fat man weep.
- [Silent Bob blows out his cigarette smoke angrily]
- Bethany: What exactly brought you to Illinois?
- Jay: See, all these movies take place in this small town called Shermer in Illinois, where all the honeys are top-shelf but all the dudes are whiny pussies. Except for Judd Nelson, he was fuckin' harsh.
- [he and Silent Bob bump fists]
- Jay: But best of all, there was no one dealin', man. And then it hits me: we could live like FAT rats if we were the blunt connection in Shermer, Illinois. So we collected some money we were owed and caught a bus. But you know what the fuck we found out when we got there? There IS no Shermer in Illinois. Movies are fuckin' bullshit.