K. Todd Freeman credited as playing...
Kenneth McCullers
- Kevin McCullers: Man, why don't we just do his job, so we can do our job and get the fuck out of here?
- Steve: What do you mean, "do his job?" What am I, a cold-blooded killer? I'm not a cold-blooded killer.
- Kevin McCullers: Now, wait a minute...
- Steve: No, you wait a minute. You want to kill the good guy but not be the bad guy. Doesn't work like that. You have to wait until the bad guy kills the good guy, then when you kill the bad guy, you're the good guy.
- Kevin McCullers: So - just to clarify - if we do his job we're the bad guys, and if we do our job we're the good guys.
- Steve: Yes.
- Kevin McCullers: That's... great.