Tensions run high when Boomhauer's brother, Patch, proposes to Boomhauer's old flame. As the wedding is planned, Boomhauer soon discovers that Patch is behaving like a sleazy pervert on the side.
Hank reacts with horror when Bobby's Bible study group turns out to be populated with Christian skate punks who wear tattoos and dress like rockers; Dale and his friends form a Last Supper club.
Peggy suspects that Hank suffers from Irritable Male Syndrome and begins spiking his coffee with testosterone, turning Hank from low-energy everyman to muscled go-getter.
A dashing Mexican television star asks Peggy to spend two weeks south of the border to tutor his children, but Peggy gets the feeling that the actor wants to have an affair with her.
Hank enters his house in Arlen's parade of homes showcase, but when the hill house tests positive for mold, Hank and his family must relocate to a seedy hotel.
Hank lives up to his boyhood dream of driving a big rig when helping his mother to move. Bobby tags along and, unfortunately, so do Dale, Bill and Boomhauer; Meanwhile Peggy and Luanne write a very poor Christmas carol.
Hank commissions Peggy to create some artwork to satisfy the local zoning board after they approve a Strickland Propane expansion, but Peggy is humiliated when an art dealer promotes her as an illiterate hillbilly.
When racecar driver John Force needs a kidney transplant, Dale turns out to be a perfect match; and Peggy helps Bobby win over his classmates when he reads announcements over the school's intercom system.
Arlen is hit with rains and flash floods. Bill finds himself put in charge of the shelter at Tom Landry Middle School, and instantly becomes mad with power and authority.
Hank reacts with disbelief when he realizes Bobby's history textbook contains almost nothing on the Alamo; and Peggy photographs a Flat Stanley doll to help teach kids about geography and safety issues.
Luanne joins forces with Hank to protest a propane ban at the Texas State Fairground grill-off; and Peggy goes to extreme lengths to gain access to a laundry room where an infamous murder took place.
Hank starts taking yoga classes after injuring his back at work; and Peggy bags groceries at a mom-and-pop store that's having a hard time competing against Megalomart.
Bobby infuriates Hank by training as a student counsellor, then upsets Connie by breaking the rules and dating one of his own clients - only to be stalked by a girl he's just advised to break up with her boyfriend.