- Ed: Do you own a video camera?
- Renee Madison: No. Fred hates them.
- Fred Madison: I like to remember things my own way.
- Ed: What do you mean by that?
- Fred Madison: How I remembered them. Not necessarily the way they happened.
- Mystery Man: We've met before, haven't we.
- Fred Madison: I don't think so. Where was it you think we met?
- Mystery Man: At your house. Don't you remember?
- Fred Madison: No. No, I don't. Are you sure?
- Mystery Man: Of course. As a matter of fact, I'm there right now.
- Fred Madison: What do you mean? You're where right now?
- Mystery Man: At your house.
- Fred Madison: That's fucking crazy, man.
- Mystery Man: Call me. Dial your number. Go ahead.
- Mr. Eddy: [to a tailgater after running him off the road] Don't tailgate! Don't you fucking ever tailgate! Do you know how much space is needed to stop a car traveling at 35 miles per hour? Six car lengths! Six fuckin' car lengths! That's a hundred and six fuckin' feet, mister! If I had to stop suddenly, you woulda hit me! I want you to get a fuckin' driver's manual, and I want you to study that motherfucker! And I want you to obey the the goddamn rules of the road! Fifty-fuckin' thousand people were killed on the highways last year 'cause of fuckin' assholes like you! Tell me you're gonna get a manual!
- Tail Gate Driver: [dazed from being pistol-whipped] Get a... manual...
- Mr. Eddy: Fuckin' A!
- [kicks him]
- Mystery Man: Call me. Dial your number. Go ahead.
- [Fred dials the number and the Mystery Man answers]
- Mystery Man: [over the phone] I told you I was here.
- Fred Madison: [amused] How'd you do that?
- Mystery Man: Ask me.
- [Fred's facial expression turns from amused to serious as he's clearly remembering the anonymous video tapes]
- Fred Madison: [angrily into the phone] How did you get inside my house?
- Mystery Man: [voice] You invited me. It is not my custom to go where I am not wanted.
- Fred Madison: [into the phone] Who are you?
- [both Mystery Men laugh mechanically]
- Mystery Man: [voice] Give me back my phone.
- [Fred hands back the cellphone to the man in front of him]
- Mystery Man: It's been a pleasure talking to you.
- Mr. Eddy: [into the phone] I'm really glad to know you're doing okay. You're sure you're okay? Everything alright?
- Pete Dayton: [into the phone] Yeah.
- Mr. Eddy: [into the phone] I'm really glad to know you're doin good, Pete. Hey, I want you to talk to a friend of mine.
- Mystery Man: [into the phone to Pete] We've met before, haven't we?
- Pete Dayton: [into the phone] I don't think so. Where is it you think we've met?
- Mystery Man: [into the phone] At your house. Don't you remember?
- Pete Dayton: [into the phone] No. No, I don't.
- Mystery Man: [into the phone] In the East, the Far East, when a person is sentenced to death, they're sent to a place where they can't escape, never knowing when an executioner may step up behind them, and fire a bullet into the back of their head.
- Pete Dayton: [into the phone] What's going on?
- Mystery Man: [into the phone] It's been a pleasure talking to you.
- David Bowie: [singing] Funny how secrets travel...
- [into a phone]
- Arnie: There's nine people down here, and you can ask seven of them. If you can get that price from one of them, I'll let you ask the other two.
- Fred Madison: Where's Alice?
- Mystery Man: Alice who? Her name is Renee. If she's told you her name is Alice, she's lying.
- [filled with rage]
- Mystery Man: [shouts] And your name? What the fuck is your name?
- [in Pete's vision of Alice]
- Alice Wakefield: Did you want to talk to me? Did you want to ask me "WHY"?
- Guard Johnny Mack: Captain Luneau?
- Captain Luneau: Yeah, Mack?
- Guard Johnny Mack: Captain, this is some spooky shit we got here.
- Fred Madison: Andy, who is that guy?
- Andy: I don't know his name. He's a friend of Dick Laurent's, I think.
- Fred Madison: Dick Laurent?
- Andy: Yeah, I believe so.
- Fred Madison: But Dick Laurent is dead, isn't he?
- Fred Madison: I had a dream about you last night.
- Renee Madison: Yeah? What was it about?
- Fred Madison: You were in the house, calling my name, but I couldn't find you. Then there you were, lying in bed... but it wasn't you. It looked like you, but it wasn't.
- [Pete, disturbed by the saxophone music on a radio, switches the channels]
- Phil: What'd you change it for? I liked that.
- Pete Dayton: Well, I don't!
- Phil: I liked that.
- Fred Madison: What are you going to do?
- Renee Madison: Stay home. Read.
- Fred Madison: Read? Read what?
- Fred Madison: How did you meet that asshole Andy, anyway?
- Renee Madison: It was a long time ago. I met him at this place called Moke's. We... became friends. He told me about a job...
- Fred Madison: What job?
- Renee Madison: [short pause] I don't remember. Anyway, Andy's okay.
- Fred Madison: Yeah well, he's got some fucked-up friends.
- Mr. Eddy: How you doin' Pete?
- Pete Dayton: Okay.
- Mr. Eddy: I'm sure you noticed that girl that was with me the other day, good lookin' blonde? She stayed in the car? Her name is Alice. I swear I love that girl to death. If I ever find out that somebody was making out with her, I'd take this...
- [pulls out a .357 pistol]
- Mr. Eddy: ...and shove it so far up his ass it would come out of his mouth. Then you know what I'd do?
- Pete Dayton: What?
- Mr. Eddy: I'd blow his fuckin' brains out.
- [Mr. Eddy puts his gun away]
- Mr. Eddy: Hey, you're looking good. What you been up to?
- Pete Dayton: [enters] Hey. What are you guys doing up at this hour?
- Bill Dayton: Hey man, sit down for a mintue.
- Pete Dayton: Why? What's up?
- Bill Dayton: Sit down.
- [Pete complies]
- Bill Dayton: You don't look so good.
- Pete Dayton: Oh, I just have a little headache. What's going on?
- Bill Dayton: The police just called us.
- Pete Dayton: What'd they want?
- Bill Dayton: They wanted to know if we had a chance to find out what happened to you the other night. And they want to know if you remember anything.
- Pete Dayton: But, I don't remember anything. What'd you tell them?
- Bill Dayton: [short pause] We're not going to say anything about that night to the police.
- Candace Dayton: We saw you that night, Pete.
- Bill Dayton: You came home with your friend, Sheila.
- Pete Dayton: Sheila?
- Bill Dayton: Yeah. There was a man with you two.
- Pete Dayton: What is this? Why didn't you tell me anything? Who was the man?
- Bill Dayton: I've never seen him before in my life.
- Pete Dayton: What happend to me? Please Dad, if you know, tell me.
- [Bill shakes his head meaning no, and both he and Candace sorrowly look away from Pete]
- Ed: You're a musician?
- Fred Madison: Yeah.
- Al: What's your axe?
- Fred Madison: Tenor. Tenor saxophone. Do you...
- Al: [shakes his head and point at his ear] Tone deaf.
- Sheila: What do you want?
- Pete Dayton: Wanna go for a drive?
- Sheila: [coyly] I don't know.
- Pete Dayton: Get in, baby.
- Fred Madison: I'm glad to know I can still make you laugh.
- Renee Madison: I like to laugh, Fred.
- Fred Madison: That's why I married you.
- Man on TV: Different kinds of fruit grow and ripen. It takes many strawberries to fill a bucket, but it's worth it! And a glass of cold fresh milk from Grandfather's cows!
- [laying on the ground with his throat slashed by Fred and the Mystery Man]
- Mr. Eddy: [gagging from his bloody throat] What do you guys want?
- [the Mystery Man pulls out a hand-held Watchman TV and gives it to Mr. Eddy who looks on it to see an interior of Andy's house at night with with Mr. Eddy and Renee watching a snuff-porno film while fondling each other beside the projector. The image suddenly changes back to Fred and the Mystery Man standing before him in the frame]
- Mystery Man: Now you can hand it back.
- Mr. Eddy: [as he hands the portable TV back] You and me, mister... we can really out-ugly them sonafabitches. Can't we?
- Arnie: Pete! Where've you been? It's really good you're back! A lot of people are gonna be happy that you're back, including me!
- Pete Dayton: Well, it's good to be back, Arnie.
- Arnie: Mr. Smith is waiting for you.
- Pete Dayton: Sure, I'll take care of him.
- Arnie: And Mr. Eddy called every day asking about you. Can I call him and tell him to come in?
- Pete Dayton: Sure, call him. Tell him to come in and I'm ready to work.
- Arnie: You're ready to work?
- Pete Dayton: I'm ready to work.
- Arnie: [to the other garage employees] Pete is back!
- Pete Dayton: [to the blonde lady] Hey.
- Alice Wakefield: I'm Alice Wakefield.
- Pete Dayton: Pete Dayton.
- Alice Wakefield: I was here earlier.
- Pete Dayton: Yeah, I remember.
- Alice Wakefield: [after regarding him for a while] How'd you like to take me to dinner?
- Pete Dayton: [chuckles] I don't know. I...
- [shakes his head]
- Alice Wakefield: Okay. Why don't I take *you* to dinner?