26 of 50 found this mild
Sexual references and implied sex. Some kissing. Woman's cleavage.
A TV screen showing women in leotards dancing to a karaoke track is shown behind a man while he sings.
We see Steven rhythmically humping the cable guy's back with him saying "oh yeah", but it turns out that he was trying to crack his back. At first, this scene looked like a strong gay sex scene.
A woman sensually plays with Steven's hair and then kisses his neck in the bedroom, as soon as they start to kiss.
A group of people play a game of "porno password" in which they must guess words like "foreskin" and even cruder terms through clues given by other players.
20 of 28 found this mild
The Cable guy takes Steven to a medieval themed restaurant where they then fight each other with swords and other medieval weapons. Steven merely tries to defend himself while the Cable guy appears to want to inflict harm upon Steven (such as when he slices open Steven's shirt, barely missing his body).
The Cable guy (upset that Robin is on a date with somebody other than Steven) ambushes the date in the restroom. He dunks his head in the toilet, twists his arm behind his back and throws him to the floor. There he pulls out his eyebrows, throws him into the wall, punches him in the back, knees him in the stomach and finally stuffs the guy's mouth on the hand dryer nozzle and turns it on.
Steven punches the Cable guy in the face after he implies that he's seen quite a bit of Robin.
The Cable guy repeatedly tries to break down Steven's door and when he finally does he chases Steven around his apartment.
25 of 35 found this mild
2 uses of d-k 3 uses of p-ssy.
2 "shit" words, 7 "ass" words, 3 damns, 2 Son Of a Bitch's, 1 hell and 2 uses each of "Jesus,", "Jerk off" and "Bastard" and 1 use each of "God damn," and "Oh God," as exclamations. 3 uses of Jesus 1 paired with Christ
19 of 21 found this mild
A flashback scene shows the Cable guy's mother smoking a cigarette.
A cop smokes cigarettes at a party.
A man smokes a cigarette.
The Cable guy orders ale for Steven and himself at a restaurant.
At a party Steven, the Cable guy and others drink beer. Others are seen with mixed drinks and a woman asks Steven for tequila.
Steven and Robin drink wine during dinner.
At a family dinner, everyone drinks wine.
17 of 33 found this moderate
The entire film is very dark in tone. The film's premise revolves around a stalker who is ceaselessly annoying and it gets to the point where he makes threats and follows through with them. The Cable Guy is a disturbed individual, and much of the humor comes from his twisted antics.
The entire film has a very high level of suspense
There is also a side plot revolving around a murder trial. While not frightening per se, it is certainly unsettling at times.
There is a final fight scene between Steven and the Cable guy on top of a huge satellite dish during a thunderstorm that some people might find intense