In the Heat of the Night: Grow Old Along with Me (1995)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
An ex-police officer marries a rich woman and soon has an old flame trying to blackmail him. Unwilling to pay the money, his new wife comes up with a plan to destroy the blackmailers life but soon two kids are dead and all three are wrap up in a secret from the past. I never watched the television show when I was a kid but I do recall seeing bits and pieces from my grandfather watching it. I had always been a fan of Carroll O'Connor so I decided to check out this made-for-TV film and it turned out pretty good as a way to kill time. The movie has all the elements of a made-for-TV movie including the cliffhanger segments as well as rather lackluster direction but the story here isn't too bad. It really seemed like a message as trying to be given on the effects of drunk driving but it never got too preachy. Carl Weathers is pretty good in his role but he doesn't get too much to do here. O'Connor is neglected to several brief scenes, which was a tad bit disappointing because he really didn't have much to do. His son Hugh also has a part here and apparently this was shown just a few weeks after his suicide. Again, I've never watched a full episode of the TV show but this movie did feel like an extended version of what I'm guessing the show was like. The writing was good but nothing great and the same is true with the pay off to the crime.