8 of 14 found this mild
After finding out his wife is pregnant, George mentions how they haven't done it in 6 weeks.
There's a scene where it's implied a married couple (Steve Martin & Diane Keaton) make love on the kitchen floor.
A man is taken into a prostate screening half unconscious, and he then comes out, fixing his pants and yelling at the doctor.
A very sleepy man (Steve Martin) accidentally falls on another man's (Martin Short) lap, while Franck (Martin Short) is driving.
7 of 8 found this to have none
A man is almost hit by a wrecking ball. Dogs growl at a man. A father kicks his sons feet (to keep him quiet).
6 of 11 found this to have none
Very mild language. "Bitchin" is said twice in one scene. No other profanity whatsoever aside from that.
7 of 9 found this mild
A man is seen smoking on a couple of occasions.
A scene of people drinking wine. A man overdoses in sleeping pills.
8 of 10 found this to have none