...but I must admit that I loved Legends of the fall. I understand that some people think it's corny and too romantic but if you like epic dramas this is the movie for you.
Reasons to see the movie: - Great acting. Anthony Hopkins makes a classic role as the US army officer gone anarchist father. Brad Pitt is perfect in the role as the wild one with an indian "stepfather". Aidan Quinn makes another great performance, and Julia Ormond is very good as the (tragic) woman they all long for. - The scenery. Magic. I want to have a farm in Montana! - The camera work. - The story. I guess I am a sucker for epic dramas. - A number of very, very good scenes. - The movie is a kick in the nuts to "civilized life" and state affairs. - The anarchistic attitude. - The character Tristan Ludlow. - The character William Ludlow. - The emotional ride.
Reasons to NOT see the movie: - You will be called a pathetic romantic if you like it. And you will most probably like it...