Ocean Waves is a Studio Ghibli's production for TV, made by the young artists in the studio, that tells a charming story of love and friendship during High School in the small town of Kochi. The main characters are Taku Morisaki and his friend Yutaka Matsuno, and the quirky opinionated newly-arrived-in-town girl they like - Rikako Muto.
The movie tells a simple story of growing up and becoming adults, and shows all of the dramas surrounding teenagers, but it is well narrated and animated. The animation is not as impressive and detailed as others Ghibli's movies, but it has Ghibli's quality stamp on it, and is very realistic and beautiful.
The mood of the movie is great and captures with great mastery the spirit of a small town and its people, and also the spirit of summertime in those years in High School, with all the activities, romances and friendships that we experience during our teen years; it really transports the viewers to their High School days. The characters are well drawn, psychologically and emotionally believable, and very likable.
A very enjoyable animation movie perfect for teenagers and adults, not for children.