18 of 39 found this mild
The Cardinal engages in conversation with a married woman, openly expressing sexual desires for her and attempts to leverage political power to coerce her to accept his advances.
On multiple occasions, the Cardinal visibly stares at the chest of women while he speaks with them, while engaging in suggestive conversation.
A musketeer is seen sitting with a married woman, while reading the Bible. The woman is in period underwear, not revealing, and she throws herself at him with passionate kissing. The conversation then twists religious symbolism to justify a physical relationship.
A young man awakes in a woman's bed, with only a pair of shorts on (period underwear). The camera angle chosen looks directly down the woman's top, showing the bare chest of the man. The woman attempts to extract information by seducing him with kisses and touching and suggestive conversation.
Sex is alluded to. No nudity. One long cleavege shot.
The heroes have women falling all over them and most of the women are bout to fall out of their costumes - lots of heaving bosoms.
An evil cardinal threatens and tries to seduce women; in one scene, he tries to grope a woman's clothed breast, saying that her beauty "would make even the most chaste of men think of impurity". She then pulls a knife on him, placing it at his private area, and says she could "change his religion with a flick of her wrist".
Three Musketeers instruct a younger man in the "art of wenching" by engaging in kissing and other flirtatious behaviour with multiple women in a tavern or inn setting.
A woman takes a bath and appears nudes from the waist up, we see her bare back.
8 of 18 found this moderate
One of the Musketeers gets into a fight with a large, disfigured man. The fight ends with the disfigured man being impaled and crushed by a medieval mechanism. It's mostly intended to be comedic but it is still gruesome.
A man is whipped and then stabbed.
Several men are crushed by a falling chandelier.
A man is shot at close range.
There is a chase scene where many men on horses are shot at.
We see a woman commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.
A man falls down a hole in the floor and another is kicked off the side of a boat.
D'Artagnan is punched in the face and he falls off the side of a tall building.
Lots of sword-fighting; stabbing, cutting and slicing with no blood shown.
There is a big battle at the end.
14 of 19 found this mild
Very little; some name calling, about 2 uses of "my God" and one use of "hell".
15 of 17 found this mild
Alcohol. Drinking of wine and mead. Athos smokes a pipe frequently.
10 of 16 found this moderate
The Cardinal's predatory behaviour may be disturbing to some as he attempts to dominate, coerce, grope and seduce the women he comes into contact with in the film.
Several combat scenes. The dungeon scenes are pretty intense especially with the aforementioned disfigured man.