31 of 55 found this to have none
Kissing and a mention of tapes Delores says 'am I in them'.
28 of 40 found this mild
Contains one discreet, implied scene of a man being shot in the head. The actual impact and injury detail is not depicted on-screen.
Another character is shot in the arm and the wound is briefly visible (and is lacking in detail). The impact is mitigated by the fact that the wound is concealed by the character's hand.
A man is punched in the face.
Two characters are briefly punched in the groin by another character.
25 of 46 found this mild
2 uses of shit and butt 4 uses of damn 1 use of hell, hooker, ass, scum, blasphemy, oh my god, oh my goodness, for goodness sakes
Contains two uses of mild coarse language (i.e. "shit").
23 of 34 found this mild
Contains infrequent instances of casual smoking and drinking as a few scenes are set in a casino.
19 of 40 found this mild
Guns and shooting