- Jimmy Dugan: Taking a little day trip?
- Dottie Hinson: No, Bob and I are driving home. To Oregon.
- Jimmy Dugan: [long pause] You know, I really thought you were a ballplayer.
- Dottie Hinson: Well, you were wrong.
- Jimmy Dugan: Was I?
- Dottie Hinson: Yeah. It is only a game, Jimmy. It's only a game, and, and, I don't need this. I have Bob; I don't need this. At all.
- Jimmy Dugan: I, I gave away five years at the end my career, drinking. Five years. And now there isn't anything I wouldn't give to get back any one day of it.
- Dottie Hinson: Well, we're different.
- Jimmy Dugan: This is chickenshit, Dottie, if you want to go back to Oregon and make a hundred babies, great, I'm in no position to tell anyone how to live. But sneaking out like this, quitting, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Baseball is what gets inside you. It's what lights you up, you can't deny that.
- Dottie Hinson: It just got too hard.
- Jimmy Dugan: It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great.
- Mae Mordabito: Evelyn. Evelyn. I'm sorry but I have to kill your son.
- [begins to chase Stillwell with a bat]
- Doris Murphy: Mae! Mae! Don't use my bat! Use Marla's. It's heavier.
- Mae Mordabito: [During the league's publicity drive] What if at a key moment in the game my, my uniform bursts open and, uh, oops., my bosoms come flying out? That, that might draw a crowd, right?
- Doris Murphy: You think there are men in this country who ain't seen your bosoms?
- [Ernie sees Dottie and Kit vigorously milking cows]
- Ernie Capadino: Ow. Doesn't that hurt them?
- Dottie Hinson: Doesn't seem to.
- Ernie Capadino: Well, that would bruise the hell out of me.
- Dottie Hinson: Who ARE you?
- Ernie Capadino: I'm Ernie Capadino. I'm a baseball scout. I saw you playing today. Not bad, not bad. You ever heard of Walter Harvey, makes Harvey bars - you know, the candy?
- Dottie Hinson: Yeah. We feed them to the cows when they're constipated.
- Ernie Capadino: That's the guy. He's starting a girls' baseball league, so he can make a buck while the boys are overseas. Wanna play?
- Dottie Hinson: Huh?
- Ernie Capadino: Nice retort. Tryouts are in Chicago. It's a real league, professional.
- Kit Keller: Professional - baseball?
- Ernie Capadino: Mmm-hmm. They'll pay you 75 dollars a week.
- Kit Keller: We only make 30 at the dairy.
- Ernie Capadino: Well then, this would be more, wouldn't it?
- Jimmy Dugan: Evelyn, could you come here, you got a second? Which team do you play for?
- Evelyn Gardner: Well, I'm a Peach.
- Jimmy Dugan: Well I was just wonderin' why you would throw home when we got a two-run lead. You let the tying run get on second base and we lost the lead because of you. Start using your head. That's the lump that's three feet above your ass.
- [Evelyn starts to cry]
- Jimmy Dugan: Are you crying? Are you crying? ARE YOU CRYING? There's no crying! THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!
- Doris Murphy: Why don't you give her a break, Jimmy...
- Jimmy Dugan: Oh, you zip it, Doris! Rogers Hornsby was my manager, and he called me a talking pile of pigshit. And that was when my parents drove all the way down from Michigan to see me play the game. And did I cry?
- Evelyn Gardner: No, no, no.
- Jimmy Dugan: Yeah! NO. And do you know why?
- Evelyn Gardner: No...
- Jimmy Dugan: Because there's no crying in baseball. THERE'S NO CRYING IN BASEBALL! No crying!
- Dottie Hinson: Lay off the high ones!
- Kit Keller: I like the high ones!
- Dottie Hinson: Mule!
- Kit Keller: Nag!
- Ira Lowenstein: Great game, Jimmy. I especially liked that move in the seventh inning when you scratched your balls for an hour.
- Jimmy Dugan: Well, anything worth doing is worth doing right.
- [spits]
- Dottie Hinson: [Upon seeing Marla drunk and singing with the band] What did you do to her?
- Doris Murphy: Nothin', we just gave her a dress.
- Mae Mordabito: And a lotta liquor!
- Helen Haley: Has anybody seen my new red hat?
- Dottie Hinson: Oh piss on your hat.
- Helen Haley: That was uncalled for.
- Umpire: Perhaps you chastised her too vehemently. Good rule of thumb: treat each of these girls as you would treat your mother.
- Jimmy Dugan: Did anyone ever tell you, you look like a penis with that little hat on?
- Rockford Peaches: Batter up, hear that call. The time has come for one and all... to play ball. We're the members of the All American League. We come from cities near and far. We've got Canadians, Irish ones, & Swedes. We're all for one, we're one for all, we're all American. Each girl stands, her head so proudly high. Her motto "Do or Die". She's not the one to use or need an alibi. Our chaperones are not too soft; they're not too tough. Our managers are on the ball. We've got a President who really knows his stuff. We're all for one, we're one for all, we're all American.
- Ernie Capadino: [to a salesman] You know, if I had your job, I'd kill myself! Wait here, I'll see if I can dig up a pistol.
- Jimmy Dugan: We're gonna win. WE'RE GONNA WIN!
- Stilwell Gardner: You're gonna lose. You're gonna lose. You stink.
- Jimmy Dugan: [after hitting Stilwell in the face with a thrown glove, shouts] Ha! Got him!
- Ernie Capadino: Yeah, I'm just going home, grab a shower and shave, give the wife a little pickle-tickle, and I'm on my way.
- Dave Hooch: I know my girl ain't so pretty as these girls, but that's my fault. I raised her like I would a boy. I didn't know any better. She loves to play. Don't make my little girl suffer because I messed up raising her. Please.
- Ira Lowenstein: Until you did that, I couldn't tell if you were... drunk or dead.
- Jimmy Dugan: It was made very clear to me what I'm supposed to do here. I smile, wave my little hat... I did that, so when do I get paid?
- Ira Lowenstein: Now, Jimmy, you have some pretty good ballplayers here. You ought to give them a little bit of your...
- Jimmy Dugan: [interrupting] Ballplayers. I don't have ballplayers, I've got girls. Girls are what you sleep with after the game, not, not what you coach during the game.
- [spits]
- Ira Lowenstein: If we paid you a little bit more, Jimmy, do you think you could be just a little more disgusting?
- Jimmy Dugan: [brightly] Well, I could certainly use the money.
- Mae Mordabito: [Mae helps Shirley learn to read] Sound it out...
- Shirley Baker: Kimm...
- Mae Mordabito: Kimono.
- Shirley Baker: Kimono, kimono. Off. And. Gr - Gra - Grabb"d.
- Mae Mordabito: Grabbed.
- Shirley Baker: Her. M - mi - mil - mil - milky, milky. White, white. Milky white.
- Evelyn Gardner: Mae. What are you giving her to read?
- Mae Mordabito: Oh, what the difference does it make? She's reading, okay? That's the important thing. Now go away, go, shoo, shoo. Go ahead, Shirley, you're doing good.
- Shirley Baker: Thanks, Mae. Milky white bre - breasts.
- [Gives Mae a surprised look]
- Mae Mordabito: It gets really good after that. Look. The delivery boy walks in...
- Jimmy Dugan: Does he know how good you are?
- Dottie Hinson: [referring to her husband] Bob?
- Jimmy Dugan: [sarcastically] No, Hitler.
- [then seriously]
- Jimmy Dugan: Yes, Bob.
- Dottie Hinson: You ever been married?
- Jimmy Dugan: Well, let me think... yeah, twice.
- Dottie Hinson: Any children?
- Jimmy Dugan: One of them was, yeah.
- Dollbody Kid: [they are sitting in the front-seat of a car at night] What's your rush, doll-body? What do you say we slip in the back-seat, and you make a man out of me?
- Dottie Hinson: [sarcastically] What do you say I smack you around for a while?
- Dollbody Kid: [he's game] Can't we do both?
- Ira Lowenstein: This is what it's going to be like in the factories, too, I suppose, isn't it? "The men are back, Rosie, turn in your rivets." We told them it was their patriotic duty to get out of the kitchen and go to work; and now, when the men come back, we'll send them back to the kitchen.
- Walter Harvey: What should we do - send the boys returning from WAR back to the kitchen?
- Mae Mordabito: [at Tryouts] Ya know they got over a hundred girls here. So some of yous are going home.
- Kit Keller: What do you mean some of us?
- [Doris throws a fast ball at Kit, which Dottie catches with her bare hands]
- Mae Mordabito: OK, some of them are going home.
- Doris Murphy: Hey, how'd you do that?
- Kit Keller: Hey, Dottie? thanks for gettin' me into the league.
- Dottie Hinson: You got yourself into the league. I just got you on the train.
- Jimmy Dugan: Uh, Lord, hallowed be Thy name. May our feet be swift; may our bats be mighty; may our balls... be plentiful. Lord, I'd just like to thank You for that waitress in South Bend. You know who she is - she kept calling Your name. And God, these are good girls, and they work hard. Just help them see it all the way through. Okay, that's it.
- Older Stilwell: Hi, Dottie. You remember? "You're gonna lose!"
- Older Dottie: Stillwell, angel! My goodness! Where's your mom?
- Older Stilwell: Mom died... a few years ago.
- Older Dottie: Oh, I'm sorry. She was a real nice lady, and a damn fine ball player.
- Older Stilwell: Yeah. When I heard about this, I... I felt I owed it to her to be here. She always said it was the best time she ever had in her entire life.
- Little Boy: [Jimmy has just signed a baseball for a little boy, who reads] Avoid the clap, Jimmy Dugan.
- Jimmy Dugan: Hey, that's good advice!
- Kit Keller: You ever hear Dad introduce us to people? "This is our daughter Dottie, and this is our other daughter, Dottie's sister." Should've just had you and bought a dog!
- Helen Haley: [the girls are checking the team lists] Hi. Can you read, honey?
- Shirley Baker: [crying] No.
- Helen Haley: All right... what's your name?
- Shirley Baker: Shirley Baker.
- Helen Haley: Shirley Baker... Shirley Baker... okay, let's take a look.
- [scans the lists]
- Helen Haley: This is you! You're with us! You're a Rockford Peach!
- Charlie Collins, Racine Coach: Go join your team.
- Radio Sportscaster: Take me home momma and put me to bed. I have seen enough to know I have seen too much.
- Dottie Hinson: Hey, hey, hey, you guys, come on! How hard can it be to make a lineup? Come on!
- Doris Murphy: Oh yeah? Well, why don't you do it, Oregon?
- Dottie Hinson: Me?
- Mae Mordabito, Doris Murphy: [Together] Yeah, you!
- Dottie Hinson: Alright, Mae, center field, lead off.
- Mae Mordabito: She's good!
- Walter Harvey: You kind of let me down on that San Antonio job.
- Jimmy Dugan: I, uh, yeh, I, uh... I freely admit, sir, I had no right to... sell off the team's equipment like that; that won't happen again.
- Walter Harvey: Let me be blunt. Are you still a fall-down drunk?
- Jimmy Dugan: Well, that is blunt. Ahem. No sir, I've, uh, quit drinking.
- Walter Harvey: You've seen the error of your ways.
- Jimmy Dugan: No, I just can't afford it.
- [giggles]
- Walter Harvey: It's funny to you. Your drinking is funny. You're a young man, Jimmy: you still could be playing, if you just would've laid off the booze.
- Jimmy Dugan: Well, it's not exactly like that... I hurt my knee.
- Walter Harvey: You fell out of a hotel. That's how you hurt it.
- Jimmy Dugan: Well, there was a fire.
- Walter Harvey: Which you started, which I had to pay for.
- Jimmy Dugan: Well, now, I was going to send you a thank-you card, Mr. Harvey, but I wasn't allowed anything sharp to write with.
- Doris Murphy: [Mae is in confession; a thud is heard] It's the second time he dropped that Bible since she's been in.
- [Mae comes out, reverend looks shocked]
- Doris Murphy: Mae. What did you say?
- Mae Mordabito: Everything.
- Doris Murphy: Hey Mae, Mae, your date's here.
- Mae Mordabito: How do I look?
- Doris Murphy: Where'd you get that dress?
- Mae Mordabito: Borrowed it.
- Doris Murphy: It don't fit you, Mae, it's too tight.
- Mae Mordabito: I don't plan on wearing it that long.
- Doris Murphy: Ohh. I don't know why you get dressed at all.
- Announcer: Then there's pretty Dottie Henson, who plays like Gehrig, and looks like Garbo. Uh-uh, fellas, keep your mitts to yourself; she's married. And there's her kid sister Kit, who's as single as they come. Enough concentrated oomph for a whole carload of Hollywood starlets.
- Walter Harvey: You go out, wave your cap, give the people a thrill.
- Jimmy Dugan: Why don't you get an organ grinder, I could do a little dance.
- Walter Harvey: If your knees are up for it, go ahead.
- Jimmy Dugan: Hey, where did you come from?
- Dottie Hinson: Well, we got as far as Yellowstone Park... then we turned back.
- Jimmy Dugan: Have a little trouble with the bears, did ya?
- Dottie Hinson: [Dottie has returned for the World Series] Hey, Jimmy, you look like shit. Don't you ever shave?
- Jimmy Dugan: [grinning] We're gonna win... We're gonna *win!*
- Evelyn Gardner: [about Stilwell, who just caused a scene on the bus] He's really a sweetheart, Dottie.
- Dottie Hinson: Yeah, I hope I have five just like him.
- Evelyn Gardner: Stilwell, honey, don't eat the wrapper.
- Western Union man: Excuse Me! Excuse Me! I have a telegram for one of you ladies from the War Department. Let's see here... boy, I hate these, these are the worst! The least the Army could do is send someone personally, to tell you your husband is dead. Darn, I had the name right here! Well I gotta go back and get this straightened out.
- Jimmy Dugan: Wait, just give me the telegram.
- Western Union man: I can't. I don't have a name on the checklist.
- Jimmy Dugan: Just give me the telegram
- Western Union man: [Jimmy grabs it and pushes the Western Union man out of the dressing room door] Hey, this is official. This is from the War Department! C'mon, that's official business! I'm coming back!
- Jimmy Dugan: [Jimmy reads the telegram and begins walking down the line of players]
- [the camera drops on Betty]
- Jimmy Dugan: I'm sorry Betty.
- Betty 'Betty Spaghetti' Horn: [Crying hysterically] No! George!
- Older Dottie: [Meeting after almost 50 years] You haven't changed one bit.
- Older Ellen Sue: Dottie, I married a plastic surgeon.
- Jimmy Dugan: What the hell's going on? Why are we stopped?
- Betty 'Betty Spaghetti' Horn: Lou quit.
- Jimmy Dugan: [shouts] Who's Lou?
- Kit Keller: [while the team is stranded out on the road] Dottie, you going to come with us?
- Dottie Hinson: Where are you going?
- Mae Mordabito: A road house called the Sud's Bucket.
- Dottie Hinson: Ah, no. You know, I'm married...
- Doris Murphy: C'mon Dottie, you ain't on the farm any more, live a little bit!
- Miss Cuthbert: Girls, girls, please! Mr. Goosatelli shan't be returning.
- [Goes back on the bus]
- Dottie Hinson: Hey, what are you going to do about Ms. Cuthbert? How are you going to get past her?
- Kit Keller: Mae's going to poison her dinner.
- Dottie Hinson: WHAT?
- [Girls laugh]
- Older Doris: [Doris sees Dottie watching the former team playing after 40s years] Mae! Come here! Is that her?
- Older Mae: I don't know, is it?
- Older Doris: Dottie?
- Older Doris, Older Mae: [Doris throw a fast ball and Dottie catches it like their first day in tryouts] It's her!
- Older Dottie: [smiling in recognition] Hey Doris