13 of 36 found this mild
Right after the opening scene, Mitch (Billy Crystal) is undergoing a surgery on his buttocks. He is seen from his face and his bare part is covered.
We briefly see a man showing a lot of butt-crack in one scene.
A man takes a shower in the desert and is seen from the waist up.
Three men are shown sitting on the toilet; their crotches are covered.
When the cook gets drunk and rides around on the wagon, his bare butt is seen.
Sex References
14 of 16 found this mild
2 cowboys harass a young woman.
Lots of slapstick action including comical roughhousing, comical saddle-soreness, comical destruction, comical gunshots. Also, Billy Crystal gets gored by a bull(we only see a close-up of his face screaming; not the actual impact) and getting dragged by a runaway cow. Two horses gallop off a cliff to their deaths(we only see them disappearing over the side of the cliff-no impact or dead bodies and the scene is actually meant to be comical).
Played seriously. We see a brief but graphic calf birthing and the mother is then euthanized by a gunshot(heard only).
Two cowboys menace the guys by putting a loaded pistol in the baby calf's mouth. They then proceed to menace them at gunpoint until Daniel Stern pounces on one and disarms him. He then puts the gun to cowboy's head and threatens to shoot him but doesn't end up pulling the trigger.
A man throws a knife narrowly missing another guy's crotch.
An old man dies peacefully and his body is discovered.
Billy Crystal gets knocked around a little in a raging river.
9 of 19 found this mild
The words "screw," "bang," and "hump" are used sexually.
Language including shit, ass, asshole, goddamn, damn, hell, bitch, whore, crap, faggot(used once as an insult not as a homosexual reference), son of a bitch, piss, etc..
Religious swearing several times.
20 uses of shit. 8 uses of goddamn. 1 use of bitch. 8 uses of ass. 6 uses of hell. 1 use of son of a bitch, 3 uses of damn. 1 use of bastard.
There are no F words in this film. However, there is plenty of other profanity.
In a childrens' classroom, a parent swears four times. He used phrases like "stupid b*tch!" and twice of "godd*mn." He does this for about for a minute straight.
8 of 15 found this mild
Throughout the film, the cook is seen drinking. Eventually, he gets drunk and start acting wild.
Two cowboys get drunk and become violent as a result.
Social drinking at a dinner party.
Curly smokes cigarettes on several separate occasions.
9 of 14 found this mild
Mitch is trying to save a calf in the river and is thus taken by a strong, whitewater stream.(Very suspenseful scene)
Although played for comedy the 2 horses' deaths mentioned above could bother sensitive viewers who do not find it humorous.
The character of Curly is comically menacing.