58 of 118 found this mild
A girls removes her bra and her breasts are partially seen. No nudity because of the way the camera is held.
48 of 78 found this severe
Myers sticks his thumb in a guys forehead. Not graphic at all and it shows you for around 3 seconds. Some blood.
Myers stabs a man with a pole offscreen.
Two men find a dog's bloody corpse in a closet.
Myers throws a man onto a power unit, electrocuting him. No gore or blood.
Two men find a man's bloody corpse. Dimly lit and off screen.
Some rednecks shoot a man offscreen who they believe to be Myers.
A girl finds a man's bloody corpse in a living room. Michael Myers then appears and lifts the girl into the air against a door, impaling her through the stomach with a shotgun (we hear a squish and see the shotgun going through the door).
40 of 62 found this moderate
2 F-words 11 s-words and some other minor language, some sexual references, a few scatological terms, 2 anatomical terms, 22 mild obscenities, 4 religious profanities, 14 religious exclamations.
46 of 59 found this mild
One scene shows several adults in a bar consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking cigarettes.
One man is drunk.
36 of 66 found this severe
Michael appears behind Jamie and she turns around, frightened, screams and backs against a mirror, which shatters. Rachael, having heard the scream, rushes over, and in her haste, knocks over a shelf. But when she reaches Jamie, Michael has disappeared.
Several scenes involving a young girl being stalked by a man are quite suspenseful and intense. There are many scenes depicting murder and death.