143 of 223 found this to have none
A man and a woman briefly kiss a few times.
One reference to 'perfect breasts.' Easy to miss.
107 of 179 found this mild
A man is stabbed several times killed in a sword fight.
A man hits another man with a sword and knocks him out.
A man wrestles with a giant and strangles him till he passes out.
The giant knocks a couple of men out.
The princess and the man in black get attacked by a rodent of unusual size. We hear him cry out in pain and see his bloody shoulder.
A scene where blood is shown.
A bad guy throws a knife at a man, He is shown bloody but survives.
A bad guy cuts the man with his sword.
A machine sucks the life out of a man.
119 of 181 found this mild
'Son of a bitch' is said once.
Westley calls Prince Humperdinck a "buffoon."
95 of 165 found this to have none
A man is drunk in a scene.
A man challenges a bad guy with a battle of wits which is poison in wine.
105 of 164 found this mild
A man gets poisoned and dies.
Frightening screeching eel scene
A scary-looking creature gnaws on a character's limbs in an attack. This attack also involves a character being burned and blistering/charring. The scene ends with the creature being stabbed to death.
The sudden appearance of an R.O.U.S. in the fire swamp is frightening. It essentially has the appearance of an overgrown rat (thus the acronym standing for "Rodent of Unusual Size").
A character is tortured to death during multiple scenes, with prolonged writhing and screaming (no blood, but injuries are later seen on the body).
A character is stabbed in the torso and arms, blood is shown flowing through clothes.
A character describes mutilating/disfiguring another character in detail.
Several main characters are killed or appear to be killed during the course of the movie.