26 of 35 found this to have none
Men and women kiss in some scenes. Women also mention being heated.
A man listens in to a couple talking, the few phrases he catches imply they're doing more than just talking.
People are seen in swimsuits.
Pee-Wee looks at a good looking young woman with X-Ray glasses (we don't actually see what Pee-Wee sees, though his reaction implies it is pretty exciting).
21 of 27 found this mild
A large man chases Pee-Wee in two separate instances. During one he swings a large fake bone at Pee-Wee.
A group of bikers grab Pee-Wee and take about ways to hurt him. One says they should hang him and kill him.
A man pulls out a gun when he notices a police road block but Pee-Wee convinces him to put it away.
Pee-Wee watches a film where a man and a woman fight off multiple ninjas with swords.
A few light fights and bike/foot chases. The violent act in the climatic chase is when Pee Wee pulls a realistic facade backdrop painting of an alley way in front of a wall to trick his pursuers into running into it.
18 of 35 found this mild
2 uses of shut up copied
1 use of my god and Jesus christ
Pee-Wee uses the word "crappy" at one point.
A band is performing a song that contains the lyric "Burn in Hell." 3 times
18 of 25 found this mild
Pee-Wee enters a bikers bar where people are smoking and drinking. Some may seem drunk.
Pee-Wee enters a truckstop bar at one point with several customers smoking and drinking. However Pee-Wee himself never participates in this behavior, and it is certainly not glorified. No one is shown drunk or high.
15 of 40 found this moderate
The whole film contains a dark, and sometimes frightening undertone. Scenes with a ghost woman, intimidating bikers, scary clowns, and some scenes that are off-putting.
Scary clowns and devils.
A woman's face morphs into a creature for a brief moment with her eyes popping out, her teeth separated, her tongue flaps around her mouth, and her hair flies everywhere.