If you are tempted for any reason to rent this in, do not give in, as you will not be rewarded.
Duvall is interesting, as always, thought I wouldn't say GREAT.
Brandaur is... HOT (to my way of looking), and fine, but big deal.
The kid playing his son looks like a rejected member of A-Ha and acts about as well.
This is a thriller that is not remotely thrilling, and is very slow and wooden. It seems like there were a lot of ideas and subtext in the novel that they just didn't manage to get across in the film, so you're left with a curiously unemotional experience. There were precious few moments that made much of an impression at all.
I only watched this because I bought the video cheap and I'm into lighthouses and lightstations. If you are... still, trust me, avoid this.
Had potential, but... there are lots of other videos out there.
--- Check out website devoted to bad and cheesy movies: www.cinemademerde.com