119 of 245 found this mild
A couple of instances of teenagers kissing.
Because of her short skirt, Andy's panties are seen at several points in the movie. When they are all looking into the cave, shots from below as she walks uphill etc. Her skirt lifts up and her panties are seen again when she falls from the ship into the water.
Some boys have a conversation about how far one of the boys went with his girlfriend. He says that he plans to go "all the way" next time.
In the beginning of the film, there is a small replica of the Statue of David with its privates uncensored. When a boy knocks it off a table, the other boys point out that its privates fell off and there are several close-ups of the stone genetalia throughout the scene.
71 of 119 found this mild
Steph punches Mama Fratelli in the jaw before jumping off the ship and swimming away.
Mentioned in the sex & nudity section, Troy is shot up in the air while on the john and hits the ceiling head first then falls on the floor. He's unharmed. Played for laughs.
Francis holds his hand out and ask his mom for her sword. They both are not paying attention and she taps the palm of his hand with the sharp edge of the sword and he yelps in pain, no blood shown.
Kids are caught and tied up by the bad guys. Swords are held to their throats as they try to make them walk the plank one by one.
Sloth is chained. Chunk is kidnapped and questioned by the bad guys and threatened with dismemberment by a blender. Francis yanks Andy by the hair he does the same thing to Steph and she tells him to stop.
Fratelli brothers pull out guns and threaten to kill each other over pizza.
Jake grabs Data and a boxing glove springs from his coat and punches him the face.
Floor gives out from underneath Data and he falls and is nearly impaled by spikes. His friends cry thinking that he's dead but he informs them that he was saved by the pinchers of power. Same thing happens again to him two more times.
Man is knocked unconscious by a water fountain. Hit sends him flying back first against a fence. Intended to be funny.
Kids and the Fratelli's are attacked by a swarm of bats. No blood showed.
78 of 176 found this moderate
S word is used 15 times, no on f words and other mild profanity and blasphemy is used in which might offend Christians who dont like to hear the lord's name in vain.
PG-13 level profanity.
83 of 105 found this mild
Cigarette smoking in a few scenes, and alcohol is seen but not drunk.
A boy plays a trick on a cleaning woman who doesn't speak English by translating normal house chores instructions to sorting "drugs" into drawers, mentioning marijuana, cocaine, speed, and heroin.
54 of 110 found this moderate
Chunk is seen sobbing intensely while being question by the bad guys because they threatened to put his hand in a blender.
There are many scenes of peril and screaming. Too scary for some younger viewers.
Chuck is scared/intimidated by the pirate criminals/villains because they threaten to blend his hand with the blender while being questioned.
For older kids/tweens and up.
A skeleton is discovered with both it's legs crushed by a boulder and with insects such as worms, maggots and beetles crawling on it and coming out of it's eye sockets. Younger viewers will find the scene extremely frightening and will find it rather disturbing.