25 of 49 found this mild
A dog rips a man's pants, revealing some of his undergarments. It's merged shortly after.
A male character tries to stare at the princess and her breast but is interrupted by a man calling for help next to them who is tied up in ropes.
Minor sensuality: A large, buxom gypsy woman is briefly seen dancing seductively on a table for the Horned King's drunken soldiers.
One of the witches tries to seduce Fflewddur by prowling on top of him. After Fflewddur is turned into a frog, there's an extended sequence where he gets stuck in the buxom witch's cleavage.
Taran and Eilonwy kiss. Eilionwy moans softly while they are kissing.
20 of 38 found this moderate
A witch turns a man into a toad and tries to eat him
Men throw weapons at a boy and girl, but they don't get hit.
A pig is threatened to be killed if a character doesn't cooperate. A character holds a flaming coal towards it, then puts it on a bloodied chopping block. The pig's keeper is able to cooperate and the pig is spared right before it gets killed.
Taran has some blood running from his mouth when chasing after Hen Wen.
Taran duels using the magic sword with several soldiers, the sword obliterates their weapons into shreds of metal and wood.
The Horned King resurrects dead soldiers using the black cauldron and they massacre several living soldiers offscreen and we see Taran, Eilonwy, and Flewdder react to this.
In a deleted scene, the Cauldron Born kills one of the Horned King's soldiers and the soldier's body is dissolved by mist.
The dead soldiers start to decompose when the cauldron is corrupted.
33 of 39 found this to have none
5 or 6 uses of damn.
19 of 30 found this mild
We see a party scene in the Horned King's castle with many of his soldiers consuming ale and behaving in various states of intoxication.
19 of 45 found this moderate
The appearance of The Horned King may frighten some viewers.
The Horned King, and his dragons appear very demonic.
The dragons chase and terrorize Hen Wen in one sequence that's rather suspenseful.
The dead soldiers appear as living skeletons and are rather ghastly.