The Karate Kid (1984)
Chad McQueen: Dutch
Dutch : [Daniel is dressing into his gi when the Cobra gang walks into the locker room] Well, well, well, if it isn't our little friend Danielle. What's the matter? Your mommy isn't here to dress you?
[Daniel ignores him]
Dutch : Hey, I'm talking to you punk!
[Dutch shoves Daniel and Daniel puts his guard up]
Dutch : Come on, make a move! Come on! Right now!
Referee : [coming in] Hey! Save it for the fight! Now get out!
Dutch : [to Daniel] Points or no points, you're dead meat.
Referee : I said out!
Johnny Lawrence : [to Daniel as he's getting beaten by the Cobra Kai's after the Halloween Dance] You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you, little twerp? No, you had to push it. Well, now you're gonna pay!
Dutch : [as Daniel tries to flee] Where you going, sweetheart?
Jimmy : [Dutch props Daniel up in front of Johnny] Give him a front kick, Johnny!
Johnny Lawrence : [Johnny does so twice,knocking Daniel against the fence and to the ground] Get him up!
Bobby : Leave him alone, man... he's had enough.
Dutch : Shut up, Bobby!
Bobby : Look at him, Dutch! He can't even stand up!
Tommy : So what?
Dutch : That don't mean squat!
Bobby : Johnny... leave him alone, man! He's had enough!
Johnny Lawrence : [screaming with rage] I'll decide when he's had enough, man!
Bobby : What is wrong with you, Johnny?
Johnny Lawrence : An enemy deserves no mercy!
Dutch : Right!
Johnny Lawrence : Right?
Dutch : Right!
Bobby : You're crazy, man!
Johnny Lawrence : [Miyagi intervenes and pushes Daniel out of the way right before Johnny strikes] Tommy, Bobby... get him!
[Miyagi knocks all five Cobra Kais out]
[Daniel is riding across a steep hill on his bike at night - suddenly he is accosted by Johnny, Tommy, Bobby, Dutch and Jimmy on their motorcycles]
Dutch : Looking for a shortcut back to Newark, Daniel?
Tommy : I THINK he wants to learn KARATE! Right?
Johnny Lawrence : Yeah! Okay, here's your first lesson: how to take a FALL!
[He sideswipes Daniel, knocking him over the edge and down the embankment. Daniel just lies there]