Al Pacino credited as playing...
Tony Montana
- Tony Montana: [to the restaurant patrons] What you looking at? You're all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say, "That's the bad guy." So... what that make you? Good? You're not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There's a bad guy coming through! Better get out of his way!
- Tony Montana: This is paradise, I'm telling you. This town like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.
- Frank Lopez: Tony, don't kill me, please!
- Tony Montana: I ain't gonna kill you.
- Frank Lopez: Oh, Christ, thank you! Thank you!
- Tony Montana: [Tony looks at Manny] Manolo, shoot that piece of shit!
- Tony Montana: [to Sosa] I never fucked anybody over in my life didn't have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one. Do you understand? That piece of shit up there, I never liked him, I never trusted him. For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed. But that's history. I'm here, he's not. Do you wanna go on with me, you say it. You don't, then you make a move.
- Tony Montana: Me, I want what's coming to me.
- Manny Ribera: Oh, well what's coming to you?
- Tony Montana: The world, chico, and everything in it.
- [last lines]
- Tony Montana: Go ahead! I take your fucking bullets! You think you kill me with bullets? I take your fucking bullets! Go ahead!
- Tony Montana: In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.
- Tony Montana: Is this it? That's what it's all about, Manny? Eating, drinking, fucking, sucking? Snorting? Then what? You're 50. You got a bag for a belly. You got tits, you need a bra. They got hair on them. You got a liver, they got spots on it, and you're eating this fucking shit, looking like these rich fucking mummies in here... Look at that. A junkie. I got a fucking junkie for a wife. She don't eat nothing. Sleeps all day with them black shades on. Wakes up with a Quaalude, and who won't fuck me 'cause she's in a coma. I can't even have a kid with her, Manny. Her womb is so polluted, I can't even have a fucking little baby with her!
- Hector the Toad: You want to give me the cash, or do I kill your brother first... before I kill you?
- Tony Montana: Why don't you try sticking your head up your ass? See if it fits.
- Tony Montana: [after disposing of Frank Lopez and Mel Berstein] Okay, come on.
- Manny Ribera: What about Ernie?
- [long pause]
- Tony Montana: You want a job, Ernie?
- Ernie: [breathes sigh of relief] Sure, Tony.
- Tony Montana: Make you feel good, huh? Make you feel good to kill a mama and her kids, huh, make you feel *big*...
- Alberto the Shadow: [in Spanish] Shut your mouth!
- Tony Montana: ...Like, you big man. Well, fuck you. What you think I am? You think I kill two kids and a woman? Fuck that! I don't need that shit in my life.
- [Alberto reaches for detonator's button]
- Tony Montana: You die, motherfucker!
- [Tony shoots him in the head, killing him]
- Tony Montana: What you think I am, huh? What you think I am, fucking worm like you? I told you, man, I told you! Don't fuck with me! I told you, no fucking kids! No, but you wouldn't listen, why, you stupid fuck, look at you now.