Dan O'Herlihy credited as playing...
Conal Cochran
- Conal Cochran: Enjoy the horror-thon, Doctor, and don't forget to watch the big giveaway afterwards.
- Daniel Challis: Why, Cochran, why?
- Conal Cochran: Do I need a reason? Mr. Kupfer was right, you know. I do love a good joke, and this is the best ever: a joke on the children. But there's a better reason. You don't really know much about Halloween. You thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks and go out begging for candy.
- [pauses]
- Conal Cochran: It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lands, and we'd be waiting in our houses of wattles and clay. The barriers would be down, you see, between the real and the unreal, and the dead might be looking in to sit by our fires of turf.
- [pauses]
- Conal Cochran: Halloween... the festival of Samhain! The last great one took place three thousand years ago, when the hills ran red with the blood of animals and children.
- Daniel Challis: Sacrifices.
- Conal Cochran: It was part of our world... our craft.
- Daniel Challis: Witchcraft.
- Conal Cochran: To us, it was a way of controlling our environment. It's not so different now... it's time again. In the end, we don't decide these things, you know; the planets do. They're in alignment, and it's time again. The world's going to change tonight, Doctor, I'm glad you'll be able to watch it. And... Happy Halloween.
- Buddy Kupfer: Hey Mr. Cochran, just what is the final processing?
- Conal Cochran: Oh I assure you it's just a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Quality inspection, the seal of approval. You know, the usual. And of course, there's a lot of trade secrets.
- Buddy Kupfer: Oh I'd sure like to take a look.
- Conal Cochran: Aw sorry.
- Daniel Challis: Not even a peek for your best salesman?
- Buddy Kupfer: Just one little look?
- Conal Cochran: Well you see, part of the final processing involves volatile chemicals. They're very dangerous. I wouldn't want to put anybody in any danger.
- Buddy Kupfer: Oh sure, I understand.
- Conal Cochran: [turns to see Dan] Aw, Mr. Chaliss.
- Daniel Challis: Where's Ellie?
- Conal Cochran: Mrs. "Smith"? I'm sure she's resting just now.
- [Looks at his watch]
- Conal Cochran: Didn't take you long to get here, Mr. Chaliss. DOCTOR Chaliss, I should say.
- Conal Cochran: From an ancient, sacrificial circle... Stonehenge.
- [Shows Chaliss the rock]
- Conal Cochran: Ha ha. We had a TIME getting it here. You wouldn't believe how we did it.
- [laughs; Shows him a small stone from Stonehenge]
- Conal Cochran: It has a power in it.
- Conal Cochran: [upon entering Cochran's underground laboratory] Those who went before me, you know they-they never dreamed of anything like this.
- Daniel Challis: What is this place?
- Conal Cochran: Can't you tell? A vast... Ancient techology. Ha ha ha, a good magician never explains. Come on, then, you've still got time to figure it out all by yourself.
- Conal Cochran: [a bunch of androids have just barred Ellie from seeing inside of a storage shed; to Buddy Kupfer] Trade secrets.
- Conal Cochran: Clumsy.
- [looks at the head from his grandmother robot]
- Conal Cochran: This was a rare piece. German. Made in Munich, 1785. I must try and get a replacement.
- Conal Cochran: It's time again. In the end, we don't decide these things you know, the planets do. They're in alignment and it's time again. The world's going to change tonight, Doctor. I'm glad you'll be able to watch it.
- Conal Cochran: [Shows Dan a body beneath a sheet] Your friend Ms Guttman...
- Daniel Challis: You killed her!
- Conal Cochran: Oh no, no, no! Ms Guttman was the victim of a misfire. The others...
- [Checks his watch]
- Conal Cochran: You know what you really need to see is a demonstration and there's one coming right up.
- Conal Cochran: The surprising thing is that the internal components were quite simple to produce. The outer features took much longer to perfect but of course in the end it's just another form of mask making.
- [Android sneezes]
- Conal Cochran: Bless you. Convincing, aren't they? Loyal, obedient. Unlike most human beings.