Donald Pleasence credited as playing...
Sam Loomis
- Doyle Neighbor: Is this a joke? I've been trick-or-treated to death tonight.
- Sam Loomis: You don't know what death is!
- Sam Loomis: If that wasn't Michael Myers burning up in that car, then a lot of other kids are going to be slaughtered tonight.
- Gary Hunt: He's dead. You saw it.
- Sam Loomis: I saw a man in a mask.
- Gary Hunt: It was him.
- Sam Loomis: I want to believe you, but I have to be sure. I can't stop until I'm certain that he's dead.
- Gary Hunt: You're talking about him like he's some kind of animal.
- Sam Loomis: He was my patient for fifteen years. He became an obsession with me until I realized that there was nothing within him, neither conscious nor reason that was... even remotely human. An hour ago I stood up and fired six shots into him and then he just got up and walked away. I am talking about the real possibility that he is still out there!
- Leigh Brackett: You know, Doctor, I'm just about there.
- Sam Loomis: What?
- Leigh Brackett: The point where I stop taking orders from you.
- [after discovering Laurie is Michael's sister]
- Sam Loomis: [to the Marshall] Turn this car around, now!
- Marshal: I can't do that. I have orders.
- [draws gun and points it at him]
- Sam Loomis: Well those orders have changed!
- Marshal: Doctor, you're getting yourself into a lot of trouble.
- Sam Loomis: What is it you guys usually do? Fire a warning shot, right?
- [Loomis shoots out the window, and the car screeches and turns about]
- [Graham examines the burned corpse that was erroneously thought to be Michael Myers]
- Graham: No fillings. He's young. Maybe seventeen, maybe eighteen.
- Sam Loomis: Michael Myers is 21.
- [after discovering that Annie is dead]
- Leigh Brackett: Damn you.
- Sam Loomis: I'm sorry.
- Leigh Brackett: What have you done?
- Sam Loomis: I haven't done anything.
- Leigh Brackett: You let him out!
- Sam Loomis: I didn't let him out. I gave orders for him to be restrained.
- Sam Loomis: I ought to handcuff you to the wheel, but I have a feeling I'm gonna need you in there. Can I trust you?
- Marshal: What have I got to lose, except my job?
- [after Michael disappears]
- Doyle Neighbor: What's going on out here?
- Sam Loomis: Call the police! Tell the sheriff I shot him!
- Doyle Neighbor: Who?
- Sam Loomis: Tell him, he's still on the loose!
- Doyle Neighbor: Is this some kind of joke? I've been trick-or-treated to death tonight.
- Sam Loomis: [looks at the blood on his hand] You don't know what death is!
- Sam Loomis: Did you see the blackboard back there in the elementary school?
- Marion: Yeah.
- Sam Loomis: In order to appease the gods, the Druid priests held fire rituals. Prisoners of war, criminals, the insane, animals... were... burned alive in baskets. By observing the way they died, the Druids believed they could see omens of the future. Two thousand years later, we've come no further. Samhain isn't evil spirits. It isn't goblins, ghosts or witches. It's the unconscious mind. We're all afraid of the dark inside ourselves.
- [Dr. Loomis orders the Marshal around at gun-point]
- Sam Loomis: Go and check all the rooms down there! Go on!
- Marion: Dr. Loomis!
- Sam Loomis: You stay with me and shut up!
- Sam Loomis: [to Marion] There's a two-way radio in the Marshal's car. I want you to go outside, get on that radio and get Hunt!
- Marshal: Now, wait a minute! I'm the only one authorized to use that!
- Sam Loomis: [to Marion] Move!
- [Hunt notices that Dr. Loomis is holding a revolver]
- Sam Loomis: [to Hunt] Heightens my sense of security.
- Marion: Dr. Loomis, you've been ordered back to Smith's Grove.
- Sam Loomis: Ordered? You can't order me.
- Marion: No, no, but the Governor can. He spoke to Dr. Rogers personally a few hours ago.
- Sam Loomis: The Governor? Well, well...
- Marion: Dr. Loomis, this thing is all over the state! The patient escapes once, murders three teenagers; you shoot him with a gun, he escapes again.
- Sam Loomis: Someone should've listened to me earlier.
- Marion: I know. I'm sorry. Dr. Rogers is just afraid this could jeopardize our whole rehabilitation program. He doesn't want anyone from the health department anywhere near Haddonfield.
- Sam Loomis: Why'd he send you down here, then?
- Marion: In case you'd already found him... alive.
- Sam Loomis: Tell Dr. Rogers... Tell him you couldn't find me, tell him anything! I can't leave Haddonfield now.
- Marion: I'm afraid you don't have a choice. There's a marshal waiting for you outside.