3 of 4 found this to have none
Some references.
Sensual dancing at a college dance.
Bull and Lillian begin to have sex but stop (nothing is seen except kissing).
2 of 2 found this mild
Some violence, but with little or no blood.
Boys foul each other on purpose at a basketball game -SPOILERS- and one of them eventually gets a broken arm.
A man grabs another man's head and holds it under a cart, threatening to start the cart and tear his head off if the man moves (he doesn't).
A man teases another man, then smashes some of that man's property.
Fighter pilots fly a practice run in which they pretend to shoot each other.
A man shoots a dog (little blood) then aims at another dog and shoots at it, -SPOILERS- but accidentally shoots a man instead (blood sprays).
A man dies of a gunshot wound (intense).
A man shoves his wife and is then thrown into a refrigerator by his son.
A man is mauled by dogs (nothing is seen but we hear screaming and gross noises). This man's graphically ripped face is later seen, but it is dark and from a distance.
Bull is constantly unstable and struggling not to become violent with his family.
1 of 4 found this moderate
Repeated use of damn, hell, bastard, son of a bitch, shit, and nigger.
Jesus Chr*st
1 of 1 found this mild
Alcohol is drunk constantly.
Ben drinks on his 18th birthday and eventually becomes drunk.
1 of 2 found this moderate
Strong thematic material including racism and dysfunctional domestic violence is constant. Most of these are spoilers, but let it be said that this is not an easy movie to watch,