396 of 443 found this to have none
223 of 325 found this mild
Darth Vader lifts a man off the floor by the man's throat, interrogating him, and subsequently strangles him to death before throwing him to the floor. The sound of bones being crushed can be heard as the man is strangled. No blood or disfigurement is shown.
Darth Vader is shown to telekinetically strangle a man half to death. We see and hear the victim moan and writhe, struggling to breathe until Vader releases him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts off the arm of an attacker with his lightsaber who was threatening him with a gun. In this scene, the severed arm is shown lying on the ground with some blood around and in it.
There are numerous scenes of gunplay, all of which leave no visible wounds.
232 of 342 found this to have none
There are two uses of "d*mn", and two of "hell" (d*mn fool; What the h*ll are you doing?)1 use of shut up.
197 of 297 found this mild
When Luke and Ben go in a bar there's loads of Aliens and creatures drinking and some smoking a pipe.
There is a scene early on in the film set at a bar. Numerous characters are drinking unidentified beverages, presumed to be alcoholic. One character in the scene is seen smoking a hookah, and another appears to be smoking a cigarette on a holder.
216 of 282 found this mild
There are some mild perilous scenes, but mild compared to subsequent sequels. This one is a movie about teamwork and the good jedis, such as Obi-Wan and Luke.
The film is intended for people 13 over due to science Fiction violence.
(At around 50 min) Han Solo's fight scene in the bar leaves a smoking husk of alien on a table.
In the final battle's trench run, Luke's wingmen are killed or forced to disengage one by one by Darth Vader pursuing and shooting them.